pete!!! where's pete?!! what happened? somebody givin' you trouble? because if anybody's givin' you trouble, pete, i can take care of the problem. like that. i mean it, pete. like that!! i want you to ride with me. somethin' doesn't sound right. it's okay with arnie. come on, let's go. now listen. it only happens when i'm accelerating. i think it's the carburetors. best god damn ears in town. you guys are lookin' at him. the man with the best god damn ears in town. all right! beautifull smooth as shit from a duck's ass. let's take a ride. oh, shit. is that what i think it is? this is where power and mechanical excellence pays off. what did you say? ever!!!! fuckin' "a". sorry about that, pete, but tailgating is one thing i can't tolerate. i'll bet you know how many car lengths it takes to stop at. say 45 m.p.h. at sixty? what'd i tell ya. wait a minute . no. thank you!. i'll be bringin' the "caddy" by tomorrow. you like pornos? yeah. give ya a boner. suit yourself, champ. you will. i'm leavin' the caddy, like i told you. think you'll get a chance to give her a once over today? if you think you can finish it, i'll be back later today. you're my man, pete. how ya doin', pete? i'm sure you noticed that girl that was with me the other day. good lookin' blonde? she stayed in the car?. her name is alice. you know i love that girl to death. if i ever found out somebody was makin' out with her, i'd take this . . and shove it so far up his ass it would come out his mouth. then you know what?. i'd pull the trigger and shoot him right between the eyes. so, pete, you're lookin, better. what have you been up to? hey, pete. how ya doin'? you know who it is. yeah. how ya doin', pete? you're doin, okay? that's good, pete. i'm really glad you're doin' okay, pete. you sure you're doin' okay? everything all right? that's good, pete. hey. i want you to talk to a friend of mine. pete. i just wanted to jump on and tell you i'm really glad you're doin' okay.