you don't mind that i'm not coming tonight? i thought i'd stay home and read. i like to laugh, fred. wake me up when you get home. a videotape. i don't know. there's no return address on the envelope. in fact, there's no address on it. no, nothing. it must be from a real estate agent. huh?. oh, yeah, it is. what night? oh. oh, yeah. no. this is a different one. called? when? i must have fallen asleep. i was asleep when you got home, wasn't i? i told you you could wake me up if you wanted to. yeah? fred? fred, where are you? fred, are you all right? that dog woke me. i lay there for a while, then decided to get up. yes, i just found it on the step. i guess so. yeah. we've got to call the police. yes, i've been on hold for ten minutes. i can't. all right, thanks. hello, yes. good. my name is renee madison. my husband is fred madison, the jazz musician. we live at 442 hollis street. right. 442 hollis. near the observatory. someone's been in the house. at night. while we were sleeping. i know because they sent, dropped off a videotape. two videotapes. to show us. that's right. yes. it. the second one. shows us asleep. someone broke in and taped us while we slept!. isn't that enough?. okay, sure. we will. 442 hollis. yes, we'll be here. two detectives are coming out. what is? no. fred hates them. yes, actually we do. but we haven't been using it. no. no, one of us is always here to let the maid in. nobody else has a key. we will. what the hell is going on?! what was that?!!! on the tape! there was something else on the tape. there! play it! why would anyone do something like this? i. no. no. no threats. i don't know if i want to stay here. i don't feel safe. i don't know. maybe a hotel. acting paranoid?!!! someone is in our house while we're sleeping, filming us, and you don't want to act paranoid?!!! i thought you set the alarm! but that doesn't solve the problem. who is doing this? and why? i thought you were getting me a drink? honey, who?. who's dead? but. it was a long time ago. i met him at this place called moke's. we. became friends. he told me about a job. i don't remember. anyway, andy's okay. why? what is it? why did you make me wait out here? was there? it's so odd. waiting out there, i had the strangest feeling. like this had happened before. i mean, your telling me to stay outside while you went in like that. fred? fred, where are you?