i beg your pardon, brother. what did you say you were hunting? fossils, huh? oh, i see. well, what do you know about that! uh-huh. knighted! you don't say. do you mind if i take a look at it? sorry. wait a minute, you expect to be knighted for finding that soupbone? yeah, i remember. you said that before. ah, poor fellow. okay, sister. cigarette? i say, will you have a cigarette? good morning, lovey. i say, good morning, lovey. eh? i see. well, it's a good morning, anyway. wait a minute. is it a good morning? say, we're supposed to be travelling east, aren't we? well, it looks to me as if we're travelling west. is it? look here i always get it twisted because i'm left-handed. yes. uh-huh. all i know is - the sun rises in the east, and we're going away from it. he might have lost his way. we're nowhere near shanghai. we're going in the opposite direction. wonder what's happened to fenner. do you suppose we stopped someplace during the night and changed pilots? it can't be kidnapping. they wouldn't be taking us so far on such a dangerous trip. no sense to it. take it easy, sister. look! look down there! what are we going to do? all right, all right. keep quiet. yeah? cave, eh? where? hey - look! yes! will you stop squawking! you never looked better in your life. as soon as our clothes are cleaned, they're going to give them back to us, lovey. something tells me this means food. come on! uh-huh. you're a scream, lovey. some layout they got here. did you get a load of the rooms? you couldn't do better at the ritz. don't mind lovey. he's got the misery. i'll say. where's the girl? miss stone. well, there's certainly nothing wrong with that meal! not even a radio? what about those men we met this morning? how do you account for all this? who brought it in? two years!? that's what i say. what do you say to a rubber of bridge? i saw some cards in the other room. thinking? what about some double solitaire? no kidding? then i'm your man. honey, it's terrific! terrific! i just saw something that will make your hair stand on end. you see those hills over there? gold! gold! popping right out of them! tons of it! aw say, honey, you aren't feeling well, are you? look, don't pay too much attention to what those doctors tell you. i've seen an awful lot of people fool them, and i've got a hunch that this place is going to be good for you. honest, i have. bah! fossils! why? what for? running around digging up a lot of old bones! you didn't dig yourself out of one of those holes by any chance, did you? hey, hurry up, you slow-pokes - i'm starved! well, i'm certainly glad to see that it's all finally organized. hey, what's happened to you? why, you look beautiful. and say, honey, you look a million per cent better. wholesome, kind of - and clean. you take a tip from me, and don't you ever put that stuff on your face again. why, it's like hiding behind a mask. have i? believe me, it's no fun. when you fellas picked me up at baskul, they'd been on my tail for a year. uh-huh. bryant's utilities - that's me. that's too bad. i got a half million shares. my whole foundation! and now look at me! you know, that's what makes the whole thing so funny. a guy like me starts out in life as a plumber - an ordinary, everyday, slew-footed plumber - and by the use of a little brains, mind you, he builds up a gigantic institution, employs thousands of people, becomes a great civic leader. and then the crash comes - and overnight he's the biggest crook the country ever had. had to sock him, eh? say conway, is it true about us being kidnapped? yeah. i though you ran this joint. sounds like a stall to me. just call me barney. okay, lovey. they're very nice people - except that they've got horns. here, here! come on. they won't hurt you. okay, honey, all i want is a glass of wine! thanks very much. this is fine. this is swell. no, just a drink. i've been walking and i'm a little thirsty, you see? that's all right. i don't just happen to be very hungry. say look, all i asked for was a glass of water. look here, i've got to have some help with this. hey lovey, come here! lovey, i asked for a glass of wine and look what i got. come on, sit down. you were asked to have a glass of wine. sit down! certainly not! i'm going to sleep in my bed. come on, lovey! come on, lovey. in a quandary. you see? you get the idea? from this reservoir here i can pipe in the whole works. oh, i'm going to get a great kick out of this. of course it's just to keep my hand in, but with the equipment we have here, i can put a plumbing system in for the whole village down there. can rig it up in no time. think of it! in times like these. huh? look, honey. we run the pipes through here, and we connect with the main water line here. oh, that's a cinch. i'll show them how to cast pipes out of clay. leaving? when are you going to start? i think i'll stick around. i'll leave with the porters on their next trip. well - i'm well, no. you see, i got this plumbing business oh, no - you don't want to go yet, honey. sure - sure. don't you worry. i'll take care of you. lovey! that's swell, lovey. i want to show you something. look! plumbing. everything modern. i'm going to run pipes all through the village