yes. scotch and soda. i'm parched. since that night that he jumped off the ship until two weeks ago, i've been missing him by inches. determined! gentlemen, in the whole course of my life, i have never encountered anything so grim. during these last ten months, that man has done the most astounding things. he learned how to fly, stole an army plane and got caught, put into jail, escaped . . . all in an amazingly short space of time. but this was only the beginning of his adventures. of course he had already gone. but his memory - ah - his memory will live with those natives for the rest of their lives. the man who was not human, they called him. they'll never forget the devil-eyed stranger who six times tried to go over a mountain pass where no other human being dared to travel, and six times was forced back by the severest storms. they'll never forget the madman who stole their food and clothing - whom they locked up in their barracks - but who fought six of their guards to escape. why, their soldiers are still talking about their pursuit to overtake him, and shuddering at the memory. he led them the wildest chase through their own country, and finally he disappeared over that very mountain pass that they themselves dared not travel. gentlemen, i give you a toast. here is my hope that robert conway will find his shangri-la!