you have nothing to worry about. leave everything to my brother. bob! i think i hear motors! yes. the power house - they've blown it up! the planes can't land without lights. right, bob. bob, these are all that are left. look out, bob! fenner, let's go! whew! that was close. the next time you're in wild country like this, keep in touch with the british consul. just what i needed too. just this once, bob. i feel like celebrating. just think of it, bob - a cruiser sent to shanghai just to take you back to england. you know what it means. how i'm going to bask in reflected glory! that's why they're sending for you, bob. with all these foreign entanglements, it was bound to happen. they need you. all right, you can laugh if you want to. but who else can they get? who else is there in all of england half the fighter, half the diplomat, who yes, bob. yes. you'd better try to get some sleep, bob. you'd better not drink any more, bob. you're not talking sense. do try to sleep, bob. be quiet! fenner's the best pilot in china. he knows what he's doing. all right, all right. calm yourself. i'll talk to fenner. fenner! i - i say bob! bob! wake up! something's happened! it isn't fenner in the cockpit! the bloke up there looks a chinese, or a mongolian, or something. i'm going to drag him out and force him to tell us what his game is. what are these people? look - they're loading up with gasoline. what do you make of it, bob? you must have some idea? what do you want him to do? what is it? has he fainted? dead? what is it? yes. why don't you tell them we're a million miles from civilization, without a chance of getting out of here alive? it's slow starvation - that's what it is. it's a slow, horrible death! hello, everybody. well, we found some food. no chance of our starving now. mountain grass. it's good, too. here, have some. i've read of people lasting thirty days on this stuff. listen, my brother and i have worked out a plan. if we use our heads, we should be able to keep alive for weeks, until he gets back. he doesn't know. but he's starting out right away in the direction of india. sooner or later he's bound to run into somebody - a tribe or something. now here's the idea. we found a cave over by that small hill. after we bury the pilot, we're moving in. we can have a fire there. i shouldn't be surprised to see bob back within a week. look, bob! why, he's speaking english. we were just going to bury him when you came along. the first thing we want to do is to cable the foreign office. all of england is waiting to hear about my brother. there's a cruiser at shanghai ready to take him back. in that event, we better make arrangements to get some porters immediately. some means to get us back to civilization. as far away as i ever want to be. how can we get in touch with them? thanks. it's far from over, from what i can see. this place gives me the creeps, hidden away like this - no contact with civilization. bob, you don't seem concerned at all. you talk as though you intend on staying. what are you talking about? you're a strange bird. no wonder gainsford calls you the man who always wanted to see what was on the other side of the hill. what could there be except just another hill? in any event, i'm not curious. at the moment, it seems to me we should be concerned about getting home. i'd give anything to be in london right now. what do you mean if we should get out? what's on your mind, bob? you talk as though we're going to have trouble getting out of here. there must be some connection between the plane and this place. they must have deliberately brought us here. why, bob? what reason could they have for doing a thing like that? nothing about the porters yet? good heavens, bob, we've been here two weeks and we haven't found out a thing. i'm afraid the porters are just a myth. what makes you think we're ever going to get back? you may not know it, but you're all prisoners here. we were deliberately kidnapped and brought here - and nobody knows why well, i'm not content to be a prisoner. i'm going to find out when we're going to get out of this place. chang! chang! let me go, bob! chang! chang! chang! come here, you! come here! let me up! let me up! don't believe him, bob. he's just trying to get out. what about the porters? didn't you find out anything about the porters? for heaven's sake, bob, what's the matter with you? you went out there for the purpose of hello, maria. i'm sorry. all right, i'll be there. a fine trick! smart, aren't you? what a pack of lies you told us about those porters! of course the minute they arrive, we can make arrangements to leave. if they take us. but you knew very well you'd tell them not to! there you are! barnard, you'd better get your things together. we're leaving. yes. i've just been talking with the porters. they're going to take us. we've got clothing, food, everything. come on! right this very minute! the porters are waiting for us on the plateau. and that chinaman thought he could stop me. come along. you mean you don't want to go? i see. you're afraid of going to jail, eh? all right! if you insist on being an idiot, i'm not going to waste time coaxing you. all right, suit yourself. but just remember you had your chance. how about you? do you want to go? home. away from here. i've got porters to take us back. well, you can stop worrying about everything now, bob. i've made arrangements to leave. if you'll let me close that window, i can talk to you. that noise is driving me crazy. i said we're getting out of here. back to civilization. i made a deal with the porters. they brought in a load of books or something, and they're leaving tomorrow at dawn. they're waiting for us five miles outside the valley. come on, get your things together. where's your top coat? why not? what's going to stop me? i don't know what you're talking about. you're carrying around a secret that seems to be eating you up. if you'll only tell me about it. what else can i think after a tale like that? good heavens, bob, things like that don't happen today. we're living in the twentieth century. i think you've been hypnotized by a lot of loose-brained fanatics. why, i wouldn't believe it if i heard it in an english monastery. why should i swallow it here in tibet? how do you know the things they told you are true? did they show you any proof? what else could it mean to me? it's obviously a lot of bunk. it's no place for you, bob. think of what's waiting for you. do you want to stay here until you're half dead? until your mind starts corroding like the rest of them? you've got to talk about it. what about me? you said they stole that plane to bring you here. i didn't want to come. you owe me some responsibility. look here, bob, ever since i can remember, you've looked after me. now i think you're the one that needs looking after. i'm your brother, bob. if there's something wrong with you, let me help you. besides, i - i don't feel like making that trip alone, bob. i'd go mad! yes, the little russian girl. she's going with me. this would be funny - if it wasn't so pathetic. why, she isn't a day over twenty! i'm not wrong. she told me so. besides, she wouldn't have to tell me. i'd know anyway. all right. i'll prove it to you! you believe everything they've told you - without proof! i'll prove my story! come in a minute. come in. she was kidnapped and brought here two years ago just as we were, bob. yes. i've already asked them. they're afraid to make the trip. we'll have to send an expedition back after them. it won't be long now before we're in london. can't you just see everyone when we pop out of the blue! we'll have them breathless when they hear our story. i was saying bob, can't you get them to wait for us? they're leaving us farther behind every day.