i'm alexander p. lovett, sir. hiding? oh, no. hunting - i was in the interior - hunting fossils. this morning i looked up suddenly fossils. i'm a paleontologist. a paleontologist. i have here a discovery that will startle the world. it's the vertebrae from the lumbar of a megatherium, found in asia. found in asia! when i get home i shall probably be knighted for it. this is the only thing i was able to save when those heathens surrounded me. you see, from this vertebrae i shall be able to reconstruct the entire skeleton. it was the vertebrae of a megatherium - found in asia. sir henry derwent was knighted, and he never got beyond the mesozoic era. yes, it just shows don't call me brother. i beg your pardon. good morning i didn't care for 'sister' last night, and i don't like 'lovey' this morning. my name is lovett - alexander, p. i see. i'm never conversational before i coffee. why, of course. yes. that's ridiculous. it certainly is. any child knows how to tell direction. any child. i don't care where the child is - in the air, on the earth, or in the sea. if you face the rising sun, your right hand is the north, and your left hand is the south oh, really? well, you just reverse it. your left hand is now you're irritating and absurd! i tell you, we're going west, and shanghai is east of here! of course. that's what i told them last night. you can't expect a man to sail around in the dark. yes. and who is he ? how'd he get there? of course. we never left the air. i know - i didn't sleep the whole night long. what's he doing? where's he taking us? he may be a maniac for all we know. good. we'll smash his face in. that's what we'll do. in for what? you mean to tell me you're not going to do anything until we land? why, you - you look here - he may dash us to pieces! where are we going? huh? well, mr. conway, for a man who is supposed to be a leader, your do-nothing attitude is very disappointing. i don't know. i'm a paleontologist, not a foreign secretary. they've been gone for three hours. left us here to rot. that's what they've done. heroes of the newspapers! here they come! what is it? do you think they're cannibals? english! at the mercy of a mad pilot. it's magic! mr. barnard, i do not like this place. i definitely do not like this place. look at me. look at what they gave me to wear. i just feel as though i'm being made ready for the executioner. that's what they do with cattle just before the slaughter. fatten them. please don't call me lovey. all the conveniences for the condemned, if you ask me. mr. conway, i don't like this place. i don't like it. it's too mysterious. now that dinner is over, if you'll excuse us, we're very anxious to discuss ways and means of getting back home. of course, the porters will be very well paid - that is, within reason. no porters here!! what exactly do you mean by "almost any time now"? that's what i mean - mysterious. mr. conway, i don't like that man. he's too vague. as a matter of fact, i'm very good at double solitaire. yes. ha, ha - who are you to be talking about a mask? what do you mean? you've been wearing a mask ever since we met you. it's very strange, you know. you've never told us anything about yourself. who are you, anyway? why don't you take your mask off for once! certainly not. i knew it. i knew i had a reason for hating you! sir, you're a thief. i have 500 shares of bryant utilities that i bought with money that i saved for 20 years teaching school, and now i couldn't sell it for postage stamps. a colossal nerve you have sitting there and talking about it so calmly - you, the swindler of thousands of people you are a thief, sir, and a swindler, and i, for one, will be only too glad to turn you over to the police when we get back. the high lama! who in blazes is he?! yes. i don't know why i associate with you, mr. barnard - or mr. chalmers bryant - or mr. embezzler - or whatever your name may be. barney? why should i? never! we have nothing in common. hmmpf, barney! what effrontery! and this trip to the valley. i can't imagine why i'd allow you to drag me down here. why, we don't know anything about these people. we're not even armed! horns? what kind of horns? mr. barnard? so that's where you are. i might of known it. no wonder you couldn't hear me. and be poisoned out here in the open? i never drink wine in the daytime. then the bears came right into the bedroom and the little baby bear said, "oh, somebody's been sleeping in my bed." and then the mama bear said, "oh dear, somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" and then the big papa bear, he roared, "and somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" well, you have to admit the poor little bears were in a quandary! why? why 'come on' all the time? what's the matter? are you going to be a fuss budget all your life? here, drink it up! aren't you having any fun? where was i? i'm telling this story! i'm telling it. amazing, mr. chang. this place is amazing! and that marble quarry in the valley is simply magnificent. oh, i've looked around. i've seen everything. your woodworkers and your cloth-weavers - they all seem so very, very happy. you may not know it, mr. chang, but right here you have utopia. i don't mean it in that sense. i only give credit where credit is due. simply preposterous. do you know what i did last night? last night, mr. chang, i held a sort of a self-inventory. i said to myself last night, mr. chang, i said, "lovey" "ungrateful fool . . . !" those were my very words to myself last night. "here are these people in shangri-la doing everything in their power to make our stay comfortable and happy and i haven't done one single thing to show my appreciation." well, mr. chang, i thought, with your permission of course, and while i'm waiting for these porters, i would like to organize classes for those children in the valley and teach them something practical and something useful. geology. isn't it? isn't it! you know i was a professor for twenty years? - and a very good one. oh, immediately. oh, thank you. thank you! go? where? oh, my dear boy, i'm sorry. that's impossible. why, i have my classes all started. well - no - i think i'd better wait. yes, yes. i will. i'll wait. hello, gloria. barney, i've just finished translating one of the most interesting old tablets you can imagine. it told me all about the origin of the masonic symbols and oh my, isn't that pretty! what is it?