pull back slowly as mars fills the frame, a sphere of red desert and fast rushing crimson clouds. the attack ship shoots straight up, dodging west's laser blasts. the fleeing attack ship loops in mid-space, reversing direction, heading straight towards west's bubble fighter. a game of chicken. the two ships are rocketing towards each other, locked in collision vectors, lasers firing wildly. asdasd imminent collision. jeb's bubble fighter banks, avoiding the high energy volley. almost. a laser burst grazes his bubble fighter, the surface of his craft sparking, suddenly scored with flames. the thruster core of jeb's bubble fighter blows off in a bolus of flame, soaring back into the pursuit craft. the raider explodes. jeb's ship is barreling toward the planet. west's craft dives toward jeb's ship and mars below. the jupiter two flies into the mighty ball of the sun. and just as it reaches the tallest of the gaseous mountains, the ship becomes translucent, falling through the orb, elongating and then vanishing in a sudden star of hyperspace. breaking the inner edge of the portal, a long silver space needle catches the light from the dual suns. the jupiter two flies through the pulsing hole in space. the jupiter two heads towards the giant ship. the jupiter moves into the docking ring of the giant ship. the probe ship's fusion drives fire. a few of the spiders divert back toward the probe ship. but most still head for the jupiter. the jupiter two banks toward the probe ship, heading directly for the wake of the fusion drives. the probe ship's nuclear core overloads. the engines begin to glow, venting plasma and then explode like a nascent star.