ladies and gentlemen, you came to get a look at the jupiter one. don't you think you've waited long enough? i figured a chance to look at the ship would keep the dogs at bay. i've got your man. he just doesn't know it yet. at ease, major. do you know professor robinson? how much do you know about the jupiter mission, major? major, you are aware earth's resources are severely limited. what i am about to tell you is classified. every schoolchild has been lied to. the recycling technologies have failed. in less than two decades earth will be unable to support human life. we spun the ad campaign to give the mission a friendly face, keep people from panicking in the streets. we partnered with coke because the 900 billion this mission cost would have bankrupted the government. the sinojordanian alliance knows the truth as well as we do. they hope to reach alpha prime first - and if they do, i guarantee you, they will not share the dimondium with western demons like us. our crops will wither. we will be left to die. daniels was murdered in his apartment last night. the flu story is a cover we fed the press. your rescue stunt over mars was foolhardy. explain yourself, major. you endangered a one billion dollar spacecraft, disobeyed a direct order because of a friend? congratulations major, you're the new pilot of the jupiter mission. the mission protocols are simple. professor robinson is in command unless you encounter a military emergency. in that case, major west, you will assume command. doctor smith approved the specs- absolutely, doctor.