once we have landed on alpha prime our on board robot will begin construction of a hypergate. by then, technicians here on earth will have completed a companion hypergate in our planet's orbit. once both gates are complete, ships will be able to pass instantaneously between them. the jupiter can bring the dimondium back to earth without the ten year delay of a return trip. as you know, hyperspace exists beneath normal space. if you try to enter hyperspace without a gate your exit vector is random. there's no telling where you'd come out. they couldn't be more excited. we're lucky they didn't press on daniels, condition. ben, i'm worried about jamming in a replacement pilot at the last second. my family' a on this mission. i need someone who's more than just spit and polish. he'll do. welcome aboard, major. some of this technology might be new to you. i'll be happy to explain. if you have to baby sit, it's not such a bad nursery, wouldn't you agree, major? judy, i'd like you to meet major west. he's taking mike's place. a non-working prototype for his time machine. sharp stuff for a midget. i'm sorry about dinner. i had to work late. the new pilot-. maureen. this mission is about our family. so we can stay together i know, maureen. i'm scared too. maureen. the children. disengage safety. i've got a com signal. emergency power's on line. i think i can get these blast shields open. i've re-routed all secondary systems to the main drive. my family's not going die in space. there's got to be some way to get through this. what's it? engage the hyperdrive without a gate, we could be thrown anywhere in the galaxy hyperdrive at 100 percent. major, you have the com. is everyone okay? judy? where's judy? are you- baby, are you okay? see anything familiar? this computer has star maps of the entire known galaxy. any effect on the ship? no. go back in front of it. it's a hole in space. a doorway. if we want to reach that ship, we're going to have to find out. there are some markings on the starboard side. can you throw some light on her? how could earth launch a ship this massive and neither of us know about it? . it just doesn't make sense. maybe her computer's still up. i'm trying standard remote access codes. can you give me some light on the secondary docking ring? deactivate safety. you did a good job up there son. you saved us all. i know i haven't around much these days.that we haven't had time to- will, you're the most important thing in the world to me. i hope one day you'll be able to see that. not working? some kind of hieroglyphics. let's find the bridge. maybe we can get some answers. can you bring up the captain's log? after it. move. it's possible this is one of the creatures represented in the hieroglyphs we saw on the wall. it must have been their ship attached to the other docking ring. let's get back to the bridge. i've tapped into the internal sensor array. besides us, this ship is totally deserted. evacuate. now! which way? got to seal the bulkhead. will, get the robot in here. leave him behind. seal it. now! get us out of here. get me an external view. prepare to disengage. nothing good. can you hit them again? that's the same expression you had when my mother came to stay with us. command codes are sequenced. try the next series. just do it. think about it, don. the ships's advanced technology. your friend looking old. what if that ship is from our future? can you get the fusion drive on line? give them a little encouragement. get us out of here. fast. what are you doing? don, stop. that's a direct order. we might need to salvage- don, no. i'm ordering you- pull up. pull up. everybody, by the numbers. you violated a direct order. i told you not to blow that ship's reactors and you did it anyway. don't hand me that. i'm commander of this mission. my father is not here. my father is dead, killed in one of his combat missions you so admire. my family is on this ship and you're going to follow my orders. whether you agree with them or not. is that clear, major? tell me about it. that's at least what we'd need to get the core functioning again. we'll set off at daybreak. it'll be safer. those are my orders, major. what was i thinking, bringing us all out here into space? but solving the world's problems doesn't leave much time for the people you love, does it? now he's decided he can rebuild the robot. wants to show me his designs. i've got too much to do- we can't get off this planet much less back on course. i don't have time to. as soon as we get back into space, we're going to spend some real time together. i promise. what? how would you feel about a little late night tutorial, professor? going for extra credit. good night maureen. okay, let's get settled. maureen? i was afraid of this. i think these tremors are the result of opening and closing doorways. the future. remember the portal that lead us to the probe ship? what if we crossed a into a time years after earth sent a rescue mission. this world could be riddled with doorways to the future. if these portals are opening and closing, part of some cascading, natural phenomenon, they could be tearing this planet apart son, i appreciate your input but now isn't the time for flights of fancy. there's no telling how long before this planet breaks up entirely. aren't you coming out to say goodbye? whenever your grandfather went away on a mission, held leave these with me. for safe keeping. and when he got home i d always be waiting to give them back. i'm coming back will. i promise. we'll just have to hope the doorways remain stable. i love you, wife. you take care of her, penny. damn. the radiation signature we've been tracking. it's a ghost. a reflection from the jupiter two bouncing off the ore in these walls. there's no core material here. the ship's back that way. we have to go through. we should be able to see the ship. corroded. this metal is decades old. no, major, when the hell are we? what is this place? this can't be. what have you done to the ship. . where's my family? no! who are you? i think we crossed into our own future. we've come back to the jupiter two decades after we left. the doorways in time that led us here must be a side effect of his machine coming on line. like streams running into the ocean. look around. your machine is ripping this planet apart. what if the force wave you ride home has the same effect on earth? what if, in getting home, you destroy earth in the process? will, i'm your father. you've got to listen to me-. we can go back across the portals to the past, to the functioning jupiter two, where your mother and sisters are still alive. we can use this core material to escape together. will, i. . . you've got find your way back to the ship. the portals may still be stable. i'll try to meet you there. i'm going to get that core material. it's our only chance to escape. the crew needs their pilot. no matter what happens, when the planet starts to break up you take off. you've got to try. promise me, don. will. son. i want you to know- i could use a weapon. not so fast. you sabotaged our mission. you ain't seen nothing yet. remember the probe ship? these monsters eat their wounded. take all the time you want to die. come on, son. wake up. i thought i lost you. there wasn't any choice. i couldn't let you fall.you're my boy. i couldn't save them. come with us. he sacrificed everything for his family. i just want you to know i love you son. i love you very much. status? get us airborne. no. we don't have the core material. the gravity wells will drag us down. we won't make it. trust me. i know. we've got to go down. through the planet as she breaks up. i don't have time to argue. i'm giving you a direct order, major. there. dimondium. now if we could only find our way back to earth. there's no way to get clear in time.