don't let me shatter this unbridled display of affection, but we are running behind. mission control this is dr. robinson. we are in the green. barely enough for you and your ego, major. drive carefully. you should try to look less worried. it has a tendency to spook the patients. boy either i cut down on the coffee or sew in a flap. it's hell getting in and out of this thing. vitals are normal. pulse and respiration seem to be- i'm fine daddy really. smart maneuver with the hyper-drive. the air is stale. old. motion sensors are still working. if i didn't know better i'd say this is blood. that material appears biological. what the hell happened in here? i've got something here. they brought it up from the planet's surface. it's seems to be some sort of egg sack. growth like this would take decades. well, who do we have here? looks like you've made a friend. you have a good bedside manner, major. where do you think it came from? they eat their wounded. the fire sensor. shut up. i think those things were using the probe ship as a way to trap food. mission medical, i'm alive. right now she's a girl. but i think your little pal here is from a self-replicating species. at different stages of life she, or he, probably alternates sexes. penny, you've never taken care of a thing in your life besides yourself. the moment you misplace her, or forget to feed her, we leave her on this planet where she can live in the wild. i'm not kidding penny. a million strange stars and only one wish. i wish we were home. i never thought a sky could look so alien. . we really are lost. the great bucktoothed bunny. bugs. excuse me? so you figure just dispense with the pleasantries, get down to business? next time, fly slower. good night penny. how can half the landscape have grown up overnight? these crater walls are disabling the com-links. you won't be able to communicate with the ship. i'm going to regret saying this, but try to get back in one piece. see. i'm regretting it already. it's impossible. this one is ten times more powerful then that on alpha prime. there's enough here to save earth. penny? penny? best as i can tell this whole clan was spawned by this single creature. each creature seems to have unique corpuscular patterns on their palms. as individual an fingerprints, no two alike. except. how did you know? inside. fast. i'm reading a power build up. markers in the red- nice work, flyboy. this one is on credit. cold fish, huh? the hyperdrive.