no more monkey business. he won first prize again. he practically brought down his entire school. but he won first prize. what you had to do was prioritize your family over the mission the perfect nuclear family. the most stable social unit, ideally suited for the isolation of a long journey into space. it's all just pr, john. you're never home. judy is becoming a ghost just like you. penny can't see past her own navel and will has to black out-his school, just to get his father's attention. the perfect nuclear family in ruin. alright you two, enough. you get a c in paternal expression, professor. but an a for effort. you always get an a in that. will, wait. look away, baby. pulse, respiration and bleeding- life support is at ten percent. trying to bring secondary systems on line. it's not working. finding a power tap. life support is back on line. help, somebody. please. the thawing engine in broken. can't get her out. she's dying. we trusted you. you're a monster. where's will? she's dying. body temp at 68 fahrenheit. we're losing her. judy? baby? stabilize her, smith. because you only breathe as long as she does. all in one piece. although major west has the most puzzling definition of a smooth ride. what happened, john? where are we? no apparent effects on the ship. boys, i think we're having a close encounter. that's strange. john, get the hell out of there. give me an external view. but what happened to the crew? dna extrapolation - coming up. silicone based. admantium shell and lack of respiratory system suggest an ability to live in deep space. tiny front brain implies communal relationships. more like bees. they may be attracted to heat and light. it's not working. life sciences, still breathing. am i interrupting something? no. really. i think you two should go ahead and slug it out. i mean, here we are stranded on an alien world and you boys want to get into a pissing contest. so please, go for it. i'll have judy down here in a heartbeat to declare you both unfit and i'll take over this mission. now i don't want to hear another word from you two until you can play nice. is that clear? not another word. the atmosphere here can sustain human life. i've located 500 rads radioactive material a mile north. dŽtente is a beautiful thing. the world needed saving. you were the right man for the job. did you get any time with will? funny creatures, men. you try so hard not to be your fathers, end up making the same mistakes. will adores you. he needs your attention. john, just listen to him. it doesn't matter what he's saying. just listen. sometimes, at least in the eyes of their fathers, little boys have to come first. it's nice to have our family under one roof. even if we had to go half way across the galaxy to manage it. mm. that's new. what are you doing? good night john. it's impossible. but this planet's geothermic plates don't match up. geological plates from different times wouldn't fit together. that would explain the tectonic mismatch. but doorways in time, john? not really. geologists have speculated that dimondium might be naturally occurring in many older worlds. part of a biosphere's way of rejuvenating itself. penny? baby, are you alright? speak, doctor. except the prints on this giant creature and our little blip match exactly. don't they? because, i think blip and our friend here are actually one and the same. we've got to get to the ship. penny? where is she, girl? where did you go? where's john? we've already begun the pre-flight countdown. you have the com. i kept hoping somehow he'd appear. let's go, major. i kept hoping somehow he'd appear. let's go, major. will? poor thing. she's lost her whole family. we'll be sucked in. everybody hang on.