the robinsons are checked out at one hundred percent. they are in perfect condition and ready to fly. wish them good luck for me. you'll forgive me if i forgo the kiss, my sleeping behemoth. but the time has come to awake. spare me the chatter. what noble charges my steely centurion. sadly i fear you have far more dire deeds in store for you. now that's more like it. farewell my tin-plated pal. give my regards to oblivion. i told you never to call me here. no. disable program. no. cease. desist. mechanical moron. you'll kill us all. wake up, damn you. i can't stop this infernal contraption on my own. i was making a last minute check . someone hit me from behind. stop. what are you doing? touch me and the girl dies. your mission physician is indisposed. i can save her life. but only if you spare mine. kill me, i kill the girl. how much is your revenge worth, major? i will, of course, need your word as an officer that you will let me live. i will need dr. robinson's portable gurney. i believe it is stored in- existence offers us nothing if not the opportunity for an endless series of betrayals. perhaps. but i am also the only one who can save your daughter's life. alright, penny dear, i need you to short the power on my command. professor, if you will assist me in lowering the body. penny, dear. now. sickbay. move. no cardio-pulmonary or respiratory functions. get her flight suit off. clear. again. clear. power's down. come on, child. fight. put a little heart in it. the life. . you are a good woman, maureen. any man could see that. i hope i have proven the well-being of your family is of great importance to me. perhaps, if you convinced your husband to trust me. will every disaster be an excuse for familial sentiment? please tell me now so i may gather up a liberal supply of space sickness bags. these quarters are totally unacceptable. i demand- ta-ta. have a wonderful trip. out of the question. i'm a doctor not a space explorer. you and- i absolutely refuse- silver always was my color. that's the smell of ghosts. i know an omen when i see one. i suggest a hasty retreat. like the drip, drip, drip of blood. nothing good will come of this. trust me, major. evil knows evil. happy to oblige, major. although i don't think it's me you should be worrying about. but rather this. unhand me, you mechanical moron. i am sick of your terrorism. if you are going to kill me, be done with it. otherwise i will insist you treat me with the respect and- how do you know it won't hurt us? how charming. doctor dolittle of outer space. if so, my dear major, what do you suppose happened to its parents? a ghost ship. major west, i highly recommend you never breed. that by the way is my medical opinion. good lord, who will - spare us the tyranny of the sentimental? get this infernal creature off me. you have a remarkably keen sense of the obvious. open, damn you. fools. i warned you not to come aboard this cursed craft. you've killed us. you've killed us all. get this cloying gargoyle off of me. recall your nightmares from childhood, major. monsters are rarely so easily dissuaded. a fate i fear may be inevitable one way or another. i'm alive, major west's poor excuse for piloting skills not withstanding. remove that lock this instant. i shall not be caged like some animal these quarters will be fine. tell me, major west. are you really confident in robinson's ability to guide us? if i were set free, i would support your right to command. with minimal force, we could take this ship and assure this mission continues under your leadership. sarcasm is the recourse of a weak mind. i assure you, major west. your pain has just begun. perhaps the professor was hit on the head when we landed. yes, enjoy your moments of trite familial bonding. because they will be your last. we all are. you are wise to arm yourself. william, you misjudge me. i only want to help you. but now our fates are intertwined. if your father and that idiot west fail, i will have no chance of getting home. it is in my best interests they succeed. and i always follow my best interests. what monsters roam these alien wilds? fools. to set off blindly across this savage land. much as i hate to admit it, it will be harder to manage without them. will, i forbid it. you're a boy. a clever one, certainly, but a child nonetheless. this planet is likely full of predators. even if you found them, what if they're hurt, ravaged, dying, what good could you do? how droll. run, child, run. will? will? william, wait! i can barely contain my glee. why aren't you aging like the plants? come, come, son, no time for distractions. let's move on. just follow your father's signal, young william. a boy of your intelligence shouldn't swear. oh. shit, indeed. slow down, now. we can't know what waits inside that ravaged craft. but we can be confidant it is nothing good. and i for one am frightened. will, listen to me. i have crossed this world with you, found your father as promised. but i can't let you go in there unarmed. if we go forward, the barer of that weapon must be ready to kill. murder is a skill, one which i have developed and, luckily dear boy, you have not. look inside your heart, will. are you truly capable of taking a life? if not, then i ask you now, put your faith in me. give me your trust. give me that gun. finally. a brief lesson in survival on this world or any other. never trust anyone. remember it into your old age, should you have one. i'm afraid not. never fear. smith is here. don't move, professor robinson or this rather peculiar family reunion will be tragically brief. well, well, some of us just don't know when to stay dead. i borrowed this from the probe ship in hopes of taking over the helm once we were in flight. but i seem to have found a better use instead. let's try this dance again. you are the puppet. i am the puppeteer. do get it right this time. robot, enable electric disrupters. now that's a good gargantuan. say goodbye to your past. you're future lies with me. i'm going home in your place. heartwarming. nauseatingly sentimental but heartwarming. we certainly could have aged better, i must say now, show me how your little time machine works. an odd moment for mirth, don't you think? what are you grinning at? we're doomed. we're doomed.