hello, doctor, how nice to see me again after all these years. the spider's sting had some unexpected side effects. but my unique gifts gave me an advantage in this quarrelsome world. after the women were savaged, i became the father will never had. i never liked me, anyway. kill them all. but my dear boy, once the doorway in time stabilizes, this planet is going to come apart at the seams. i am willing to perish here on this world for the sake of your most noble mission. but your selfish father will only try to stop you. once your mission is complete, none of this will have happened anyway. so why not just dispose of them? very well. robot, take them inside the ship and keep them there. if they move, then kill them. well, it would seem the time is upon us. off we go, william. hurry, boy. time waits for no man. it's almost time. i really am a word-smith. a leap of faith. how fitting. we've been over this before, son. the spiders attacked the ship let's forget the past. what are you doing? isn't the doorway too small? poor, poor boy. did you really think i would let you go home? let all that i have become vanish? look at me. i am no mere man. i am a god. your father was right. within me roil the growing needs of a master race. we will descend upon helpless earth. an entire planet to rule. an entire planet on which to feed. time to die, son. goodbye. spare me the fury of the righteous. i think there's time for a snack before my trip. no. stop. no!