sino-jordanian raiders. they're claiming the cargo ship violated their air-space. hell. and we're going to send them back screaming. last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer. what's that sound? must be the fat lady warming up. that's right. come on, come on, you wanna play, i wanna play. i can hear her. oh, yes, oh yes. she's gonna sing. the lights are dimming. the curtain's coming down. sing you fat, old bag, sing! show's over. grissom, this is eagle one. those pugs will never reach him in time. this is eagle one. i'm going after him. jeb, do you have navigational thrusters? it's a yes or no question. head towards the canals. saving your ass. read towards the canals. now! never liked that station, anyway. jeb, i'm going to give you a little kiss. don't take it the wrong way. you weren't getting out of buying those beers that easy. sir, why was i pulled off active duty? i salvaged my craft and jeb's. i'll fight a court martial, general. by reputation only. the jupiter is fully automated. the pilot flies the ship out of the solar system and lands on alpha prime. it's a baby sitting job, sir. every schoolchild knows our recycling technologies will save the environment. sending a family across the galaxy is a publicity stunt to sell soda to people of all ages. captain daniels doesn't have the flu, does he sir? dan was a good pilot. a good man. i had a friend in trouble. yes sir. and i'd do it again. sir. holographic navigational interface. cryosleep array. fully monitored. sick bay, remote ops, engineering and living quarters are below decks. hyperengine should be in here. i'd be more than happy to discuss my dimensions perhaps over dinner? that's one cold fish i'd love to thaw. it's going to be a long flight. i'll try to give you a smooth ride. one question, doctor. in there room in these tubes for two? mission control, this is jupiter one. the robinsons are asleep. we are ready to fly. external fuel pressure to zero. powering main drive systems. houston, main drive systems to on line status. it's showtime. requesting escape trajectory. roger, houston. we're outta here. jupiter one booster disengaged. proceeding towards mercury. houston, diverting all spacecraft controls to the main computer. navigational holographics on line. course confirmed for slingshot exit of the solar system. ten world series. my, nephews' high school and college graduations. a decade's worth of sports illustrated swimsuit editions. next picnic, no robots. communications links are down. rerouting power from the secondary couplings. try it again. i can't get the blast shields open. we're flying blind. smith, what the hell- sino-jordanian technology. you're a goddamned spy. dropping some extra weight. i don't deal with dead men. help her. uh-oh. how long do we have? i'm going to try for the mercury mines. unable to re-route to mercury. the sun's pull is too strong. she won't budge. shortest baby sitting mission i've ever done. i'm open to suggestions. that's it. we can't get away from the sun. so we have to go through it. the hyperdrive - anywhere but here. hyperengines coming on line. zero to 20 million miles a second in under a minute. let's see what this baby can do. you had me worried, doc. nice to see you thawed. a fighter who thinks, what do you know? you're just in time for the show. computer, map our current location. what the hell is that? no. and where did that come from? it's gone. a doorway to where? i'm hailing on all frequencies. no response. don't know if the exterior spots are working.- there we go. if this in all a dream, why can't there be more girls? i've never seen a design like this. what are those scales on her hull? these scanners are damaged, i'm getting inconsistent life signs but they may be sensor ghosts. what do you know? what do you make of that? west, major, united space force, requesting permission to see the prisoner. we're going to check out the probe ship. maybe we can figure out how they got here. and how to get home. you're coming with us. what you are is a murderous saboteur and i am not leaving you on this ship so you can do more harm than you've already caused. professor, we're ready. i'm interfacing with the on board computer. odd. no, it's just, i don't know, too fast. most of the systems are down. what do you make of this? just imagine we're retreating in the opposite direction. now, move it. you really need to shut up. what makes you such an expert? some kind of fire fight. look at this technology. i've seen some of this before. on the drawing boards. the data has degraded. i'm going try and gather any fragments i can. there isn't much, but . here we go. jeb. that's it. the rest of the data is totally corrupted. this doesn't make sense. how could they launch a rescue mission for us when we've only been lost a day? smith, step away from there. this explains where all the plants came from. don't move. easy there, little buddy. no one's going to hurt you. i'm going to let that one go. it looks like a child. and the flavor of the day is . banana. beef. who thinks up these combinations? mm. good. little thing was hungry. this can't be good. the door control is at the other and of the corridor. it's cycling a vacuum check. there is no way to speed up the protocols. now that's a bedside manner. initiating separation. we're clear. everybody hang on. that i s probably what happened to the monkey's parents. we were going to be desert. we're not out of the woods yet. let's see how these monsters like a hundred thousand volts. and the crowd goes wild. persistent bastards. every time i electrify the hull, i'm draining our systems. once or twice more and we're going to be dead in space. there are thousands of those things with the right command codes, i can light up the probe ship from here. damn. no response. but they won't work until the next fleet of ships are built. that's at least two years away. how did you know? let's turn up the heat. electrifying outer hull . now. never leave an enemy stronghold intact. one of your father's first rules of engagement. this is a military emergency. that means i'm in command. i hate spiders. hang on, it i a gonna be a bumpy ride. i can't hold her. we're going down. can't get the stabilizers on line. really? no kidding? thanks. i'm reading a clearing ahead. i'm going to try and make it. got to slow us down. brace for impact! let's take a look. about half the core material is burned out. we'll never generate enough power to break orbit. come on, professor, give it a rest. i was technically still in command. look, no offense, but you're an egghead with an honorary rank. no one ever intended you to handle combat situations. you're spouting some nonsense about- time travel while those spiders posed a continuing threat. i made a judgement call and if i have to i'll make it again. hell, you of all people should understand that. if your father were here- save the speeches. i like you. but the fate of the earth is at stake here. i'm going to do whatever i think it takes to ensure the success of this mission. with or without your help. is that clear, professor? wow. i agree with your recommendation, professor. my god smith, you're right. how could i have been so blind? i'll just run and get you a gun so we can hijack the ship. okay? i'm hiding the pain. really. star light, star bright. when the first sailors circled the globe and saw a brand new sky, they thought they had sailed off the edge of the earth. but they were really just around the corner. so those sailors found familiar shapes in the stars to make the skies more friendly, to help them find their way. that's how constellations were born. porky the wise and mighty pig. so, my quarters or yours? we are the only single man and woman of consenting age in the galaxy. how much more of a set up do you need? you have a way with words, doctor. here would be fine. you guys have got to be kidding. you're not serious? time travel is impossible. i've got a fix on the radioactive material. it's through the portal. this is kind of a kiss for luck occasion, wouldn't you agree, doc? damn? damn is not good. could these be from the probe? it's not possible. what kind of nightmare is this? where the hell are we? the core material. if we could get that back to our jupiter two. i'll run, draw his fire. you may have time to get away with will. what do you mean? i'll stay. the family needs their father without the core we'll never have enough power to make orbit. good luck. commander. which one leads us home? sure we can. jump! the portal closed behind us. it was his only way back. we've got to try and lift off. engaging primary thrusters. now! we're not getting any altitude. not enough power to make orbit. the planet is breaking up around us. nice of you to drop in. boy, that felt good. i'm going to try to reach escape velocity. maybe we can break the gravitational pull. we might- what? that's insane. yes sir. i see it. so, i earn that kiss yet? the planet's gravity field in collapsing.