two sinister attack ships, their lasers locked onto the cargo ship, fire away as they blast overhead. the nuclear core of the cargo ship overloads, the craft finally exploding in a storm of fire. will lies in his bed, eyes closed. asleep. a beat. john turns, heading out into the hall. don presses a button and two giant blast shields close over the jupiter two's main viewscreen. war torn and pirated. a pit of molten lava bursts through the floor above which floats a giant ball of silvery liquid held suspended by the pulsing field of the hyper-drive. tendrils of fire strain towards the bubble. as they explode into the silver liquid, images form within the sphere, nearly coherent, then gone. will is hanging over the time bubble, unconscious and unseen, dangling from the gantry by a flashing chain around his neck. john stands on the platform behind smith, fighting star in hand, slashes for his face. smith moves fast, knocking the star to the gantry bridge with his arm. john leaps on smith, using his fists.