coke. saving the world for our children. the changing shape of education. will there be boys on alpha centuri? what will i wear? you'd probably gag if i described the secondary infections loss of circulation can cause. what are you grinning at? dad says don't bring them. like anything i do matters to him. so, that's a no to family dinner? mom's gonna go thermal. will she wake up less annoying? dad! robot. return to your docking bay and power down. if the family won't come to the science fair, bring the science fair to the family. crush. kill. destroy. i hacked into his cpu, bypassed his main operating system and accessed his sub-routines. he's basically running on remote control. when boarding a mysterious spacecraft, it always pays to look your best. thanks. take care of my dad, okay robot? dad, do you. i'm detecting motion. behind you. neat. this joy stick is too slow. activate holographic interface. turn left. charge. i can't move him without letting the spiders into the ship. i'm sorry, robot. me too. robotics, i mean. can you hear me? robot? calm down. your body was destroyed in the conflict with the space spiders. do you remember? but i downloaded your neural net. i guess sometimes friendship means acting with your heart, not your head. don't worry, robot. im going to build you a new body. i promise. mom always said i should try to make new friends. good night judy. oh man. no it's not. it's just improbable. like hyperdrive was a hundred years ago. nothing's really impossible. so if we walk into that forest outside, we're really just walking into this crater years from now. these portals are exactly what i predicted my time machine would do. what if the doorways aren't natural? a machine that bends space, like our hyperdrive, could be modified to bend time as well. what if someone on this world has built a device? you never listen to me. not ever. you're always leaving. what if. what if one time you don't come home. thanks, pen. it sounds like old morse code. you said someone is in danger. this gun is set to fire for me only so don't try anything funny. help us? you tried to kill us all. what are you talking about? they'll be back. they'll be okay. someone should go after them. but you're a doctor. i've got a fix on dad's suit beacon. wow, that's mom's favorite color. wow! see, over here i'm in the future. that's just an effect of the portals forming. once they stabilize you can cross from one time to another just like stepping between two rooms. what did you find? i feel like we got turned around. oh shit. we've got to go inside. but dad's in there. but i've got a gun. enable gun for all users. you did it. just like i imagined. re-routed the hypercore. but the natural power source, the delivery system. i never thought of those. do you remember what i taught you. a long time ago. about friendship? that's why i rebuilt you. because i wanted us to be friends. forget logic. act with your heart. every living thing has a heart. please, robot, if you don't let us go, we're all going to die. i'm asking you now, will you help us? will you be my friend? you did it. look. the time machine must be near full power. the portals are collapsing. there. we can't just leave him here. dad? i'm glad you came back. it's a map home. cool.