that's all he said? turn left or right? is that everything? it seemed like he was saying a lot more. for relaxing times, make it suntory time. okay. for relaxing times, make it suntory time. yes? oh? yes? i don't think so. yes? huh? oh, you want me to rip them? i think you should leave. i'll have to see about that. can you get me on a flight thursday night? yeah, they told me. just get me out of here as soon as you can. oh, great. i'll talk to you later, bye. urn, i don't think so. how bout i just hold the bottle. good morning. for relaxing times, make it my wife needs space, i don't know my kids ' birthdays. everyone wants tiger woods, but they could get me, so i'm here doing a whiskey commercial. what about you? why are you here? how long have you been married? try twenty-five. i'm thinking about it. yes. i don't know, i don't know her anymore. i don't know if you can be in love with one person the whole time. i was. actually i was in love with her sister first, when i was twenty-one. and one day her sister said to me she wanted to move to paris, so i said okay, and she said no, she wanted to move to paris with francois, and she's still married to him. and i moved in with lydia. but i always really liked lydia. what do you do? what did you study? oh, what do you do with that? it takes a while to figure it out. i'm sure you will, though. thanks. who do i have to fuck to get off this planet? hi. did you have a nice swim? no, how about you? i'm here for the week. ok. i know, it's stupid. a soul's search: finding your true calling - are you reading this? i read it, too. hi, charlie. no way. ok. i will. are you ok? i know. i don't either. lydia? lydia, i went to this great house tonight, this guy designed and built, you would have loved it. he was this fashion guy, and there were all these japanese fashion people- it's a whole other world, and i was talking to these japanese surfers. he was playing all this great music- i have to find out what it was. yeah, its really different here. it's four in the morning. i'm going to go to sleep. i love you, too, good-night, or good- morning . hello? charlotte, who? of course. yeah, i'm going to take a shower and i'll meet you downstairs. i see them every morning. hans was very attentive to you. no, its easy. i don't know. but the first time i saw you was in the elevator. yeah, you don't remember? no, you smiled. i know, i kind of blend in here. i don't know. my fax said "have a good fright". ok, whatever you want. no, i was looking at you. i got a fax today from your friend hiromix. no, for a candlelight dinner, yes, for her show. you're possessive. no, yes, it does. thanks. it does, the more you know who you are. you don't care about things the same way. you'll figure it out. i'm not worried about you. keep writing. that's ok. it's hard. we started going to a marriage counselor. we established that we have no communication. we used to have fun, she used to like to go to places with me for my movies and we would laugh at all the weirdos, but now she's tired of it all. she never wants to leave the kids, she doesn't need me, and they don't need me, i feel like i'm in the way. it gets complicated when you have kids. that changes everything. when they're born its like vietnam. it's terrifying. but, it's great being with them, after they can talk, and can do things with you. where'd you grow up? i know. you are. because that would be too easy. hello? ok. great. miss kawasaki? it's bob harris. i'm not going to be able to do that interview today, yeah. ok. yes, i'd love to stay to be on his talk show. sure. ok. bye. they really have to work on that street name thing. it's for my daughter. four. nice one. what happened to your toe? that doesn't look good. we should get you to the doctor. yeah, look at that thing. how do you say "hospital" in japanese? hospital? yes, can you tell me how to say "hospital" in japanese? hosupitari? hello? oh, hi, elaine. ok. yeah, i'll stay. hello? hi, lydia. uh, no. ok, whatever you think. i'm lost. that's not what i'm talking about. i don't know. i don't know. i want to be more healthy. i want to eat better. you know, eat healthier. not all that pasta. like japanese food. oh, come on. yeah, i'll be fine. bye. where's your husband? do you ever see him? do you know where we are? i enjoy the sport. yes, but no, i can't right now. i don't want to be. hello? hello? i couldn't hear you. how are you? it's ok. what? yeah. that's ok. tomorrow. ok. bye. no, we'll find something around here. you're a brat, wasn't there anyone else around to lavish you with attention? we'll have two of these. what do you want to drink? so, where'd you go today. i'm sorry. tomorrow. that's what you said the other night. i don't want to go back tomorrow. why can't it last? hello, can i have room 5601. uh. hi, charlotte. it's me, bob. ok, i guess you're not there. wanted to say good-bye. charlotte? i'm just leaving. do you have my jacket? that'd be great. 0hr hi. yeah, yeah, i'm going. i have to go, thanks, bye. yes, no. thanks. yes. thanks. can you pull over a second? charlotte! why are you crying? i know, i'm going to miss you, too.