go to sleep. i'm just here shooting this band, what about you? we're here for the week. i'm shooting in osaka for a few days. have you met charlotte? my wife. uh. thanks. oh no. ok, see you later. what? oh, c'mon, she's nice. not everyone went to yale. its just a pseudonym, it doesn't matter. i'm not, but do you have to point out how stupid everyone is. ok, i'll see you later. good. i'm tired. i gotta go meet kelly for a drink downstairs. she wants to talk about some photo thing. you wanna come? ok. oh, that's too bad. no, what are you talking about. that's ok. that's ok, you'll figure it out. what? i got some hair stuff. i gotta go to work. i'll be right down. i'm just leaving. ok. see you later. at the fitting, they had all these rock n roll clothes, the label guys kept saying lock n loll, though, but the band doesn't look tough at all. they look better just skinny and nerdy, like how when they came in. they looked so uncomfortable in these keith richards clothes, they should just be like they are, don't you think? yeah, i think you're probably right. because when you try to. i don't know. will you please stop smoking? its bad for you. a soul's search: finding your true character and calling? is this yours? you don't have to be embarrassed. it's ok if you are. oh, the record company sent these. i gotta go. and i don't really like champagne. are you sure you want to stay? ok, definitely call them, i'll be back friday. i love you. it'll just be a few days.