she needs to stop running around like a little boy. how is she alright looking the way she does? i'll get some ice. until the black family down the street became the black family next door. well, thanks again. this was really nice of you. oh, me too. i used to cook for my friends' parties and things back in atlanta. well, no, but once nathan gets settled and the girls get a little older, it's definitely something i want to do. since you love to cook, maybe it's something we can talk about. really? well, come on, then. monica, what did you do? oh, all that work. i'm lucky i found it. someone put your box of dresses under a pile of rags in the garbage. fine, you don't like this one, which one would you rather wear? when you're done can you make sure she brushes her teeth? i just need to lay down. i've been running around all day. the blue. okay. the boy next door is riding with you to school so you'll know somebody your first day. hurry so she can go to sleep. and if you want a thicker base, you can cut in a potato or just use a little flour. so that means it's alright for you to act like that? i don't know why i keep hoping you'll grow out of this tomboy thing. that's not funny watch your mouth. if you'd just listen for once, you'd realize you have a lot more going for yourself. you're smart, you'd be pretty if you put a comb to your head. i mean, why walk around with your hair looking like "whodunit"? monica, please. taste this. child, take a bite. sure. in between all the other things i have to do. nothing. so good luck. go in my top drawer and get my pearls. tonight, don't worry about yesterday's game, the recruiters, or anything else. i just want you to enjoy being beautiful. will you do that? monica. what are you doing here? don't be defensive. i'm just surprised to see you. he's still at the bank. well, i'm going to get dinner. whenever you lose, you get this attitude. but it's just a game. hi. i can manage. how is he? to that stewardess? his mother had a cookout a few weeks ago. he could do a lot better if you ask me. i thought you were over him. find out where they're registered and send them a gift. you didn't want my opinion in the first place, so why even ask? don't curse. what do you want me to tell you, monica, to go beat that girl up? to go have sex with him? i'm not going to do that. yes, i believe thinking of other people is important and yes i'd rather bake a pie than shoot a dumb jump shot. if that makes me too "prissy" for you, too bad. you're the one always turning your nose up at me. child, please. ever since you were little you thought you were too good for anything i had to say. what was so wrong with wanting to teach you the things i knew could help you? so you're angry with me because you're standing here with your hair combed and wearing perfume? oh, yes. the superstar female athlete whose mother is nothing but a housewife. don't tell me you aren't ashamed of that because i know. i don't remember that. that's ridiculous. dammitt, monica! is that really all you think of me? you had your coaches and your father for that stuff. it never mattered one way or the other if i went to your games. so you're still breast-feeding? you might want to put a jacket on him, it's getting cold. okay. god. "grandma." when i said quincy could do better, i was thinking about you.