ball better than you. one, up. two, up. told you i was nice. i'm going to be the first girl in the nba. it's this big hole. you could almost see bone. uh huh. i just can. my mom says she doesn't know where i come from 'cause i act different. he works at a bank. i'm going to be number thirty-two, like magic. what was the most points your daddy ever got in junior high? one time magic scored forty-eight points, and they only had six minute quarters and he sat out the whole fourth. i don't care. i'd just tell my sister, lena. so, i know karate from "almighty isis." nothing. ow! ah, mom. i hate it. pants. make it look nice, kay. what do i have to do? i don't like flowers. how bout twinkies? my mom won't ever buy them. okay. for how long? i want to ride my own bike. so? i don't have to do what you say. you're stupid. and your daddy plays for the worst team in the nba. last time they won, dr. j. was a nurse. i don't want to be your girlfriend, big head! what? she wasn't set! for what? taunting?! man, you suck! dad, you have to talk to coach for me. the coach from tennessee was there and he has me riding the bench. i was just showing emotion. nothing. i won't. i'm a lesbian. well, that's what you think, isn't it? cause i'd rather wear a jersey than an apron. what? the coach from usc is going to be at the championship. chances are there's still a chance. hey. no. there's so many i just can't keep track. give it yourself. hey, mr. m. way to hoop. a ride home. look, big head, i'll be at your car. please. some note shawnee easton told me to give to you. "q. i think you are so fine and i've been wanting to get with you. let me take you to the spring dance and i promise i'll leave you satisfied." she's a ho cause she's sending her coochie through the mail. and? she's not saying, "i think you're a nice guy and i wanna get to know you better," she's saying, "i wanna bone." yeah, an honest tramp-ass ho. but i guess you'll stick your dick in anything. i don't. who's spalding? who said i'm not getting recruited? i'm not the one who put this scar here. when we were eleven years old cause he was about to lose. would you watch the damn road? i'm warning you, don't tempt me. please, you jump in some guy's face, talk smack and you get a pat on your ass. but because i'm a female, i get told to calm down and act like a "lady". i'm a ballplayer, okay. a ball player. didn't know you cared so much. good. no. always on my ass, anyway. just cause i don't kiss her booty like you. no one's forcing her. ow!!! okay! yeah, brothers are lined up at my locker. found? i'm not some charity case. mom tell you to do this? damn, lena. who is he? he's in college? how'd you get him to say yes? oh, great. yeah, right. i don't know how to walk in heels. you ever been in love? they ever love you back? sorry. i'm leaving. i can't eat before a game. you really should be a caterer or something like you used to say. what? no! i don't even want to go. what? you really think i look beautiful? you're cold? oh, sorry. yeah. you either. guess we'll see you later. gym. sort of. huh? sorry. my mouth is kinda dry. hey. yeah. he ain't spalding. so you took shawnee, huh? sure. freshman year, my free throw percentage was fifty-one percent, cause i was shooting it like a jump shot. uh-huh. wait. psst. early night for you, isn't it? mulholland drive. so what dead-end street did you and shawnee hit? well, i'm sure she kept her word and left you satisfied. why? i was sitting in jason's ride with him kissing on me and feeling on me and it was really bugging me cause i couldn't remember how many offensive boards i had in the championship. and then i guess she got tired of me sort of accidentally kneeing him in the balls. what? hold up for a second. it was on my bed when i came in. can you just? i knew it. i know, right? i can take it. coach hates me, doesn't she? what's up with that? thanks, sidra. you finish the reading for e-con? what'd it say? whatever, big head. you do see me standing here, right? fine, quincy. i said fine. quit. you're such a punk. always. what? coach. i was just playing ball. didn't have to try very hard. what? i'm telling you, coach wishes she was here instead of me. i don't have it easy like you, alright. there's no red carpet laid out for me. that was so weak. that's what you get. what are we playing for? what? give me the ball. kiss my booty. all's fair in love and basketball. strip. yo, where's the "d"? i won. i know he messed up, but that doesn't change what he's been to you. she understands. you're not stupid. nothing. why don't we walk to my dorm? i. can't. coach has us on eleven o'clock curfew. if i'm late, i don't suit up. i mean, i can stay a few more minutes. quincy. will you call me when you get in? i shouldn't have left. you should have seen him, shay. what? kiss my ass. sandra, please, last time you chest- bumped me, it took you three tries. thanks. i thought sidra's ankle was okay for next game. yeah. yes. it's just. it seems like you're always yelling at me. thanks. reg. you seen quincy? derek said q was here. hey. i've been trying to find you all day. sorry about your game. he's just playing, q. y'all need to quit. what's up? but? thanks. i know. what's that? who was that? who's nobody? you want to go talk? we could finish what we were talking about last night. fine. maybe i'll come by later. hey, y'all. hey. you weren't at my game. yeah, i hit a three at the buzzer. woman. what the hell's going on? are you out of your mind? no. you stay, i'll leave. didn't know i needed a reason to come home. dad around? yeah. what? talk to your new girlfriend. cheap date. so you fucked around to prove a point! what, "q-man", did i forget to kiss your ass like everybody else? that night you wanted to talk about your dad i had a curfew. what was i supposed to do? if i stayed, i wouldn't be starting! i never asked you to choose. i'm a ballplayer. if anyone knows what that means it should be you. how do i know next time you're feeling neglected or whatever, you're not going to run around on me? if we're going to be together i have to be able to trust you. what? how are you going to tell me what i have time for? i mean, whatever i did. we can fix this. you don't think so? you're what? when did you decide all this? so that's it, just forget about us? friends. uh huh. oye. oye, luisa. si. large game. what did he say? what's up, sidra. how do you say "you're dreaming" in italian? you mean my championship trophy? my bad. uno mas, por favor. just like that? how's that been? please, i went through the same drama as everybody else. i mean, the first four months, only person i could talk to was this chick luisa, who knew like ten words of english from watching old "dif'rent strokes" reruns. swear to god, i had to tell her if she said, "what you talking bout, willis?" one more time, i was gonna kick her ass. i wouldn't know. just not my type, i guess. you ever think about going back? i'm sorry. i was. i see your peach fuzz finally grew in. no, it looks good. i mean, it's cool. shouldn't you be lying down, or. i'm fine. my dad said you tore your acl. what are the doctors saying? i thought a torn acl was ten to twelve. i forgot, "q-man." we won the championship. well, i tried sneaking in after college, but they found breasts during my physical. kiss my ass. oh yeah? must have been my cheap-ass answering machine. it was always messing up. actually, i don't. i'm tired of playing overseas. thinking about giving it a rest for awhile. yeah. basketball just, isn't fun anymore. you know? fiance. wow. congratulations. i didn't know. wow. that's great. well. i should go. yeah, and quincy, good luck with your knee, and everything. hey. need any help? yeah. can't wait to see him i just saw quincy. engaged. yeah, you met her? maybe she is. so what do i do? whatever. i asked but why does it always have to be so damn prissy. there you go. so that's why we can't get along? because i'd rather shoot a "dumb" jump shot? no i don't. i wasn't lena. i didn't care about nail polish or lip gloss or sneaking a spray of your perfume. because you're pushing me to be something i'm not. i'm angry because i want a mother, not martha stewart. that's not it. i remember when i was eight years old, you spent like four hours cooking up this fancy meal. all you'd let me and lena do was set the table. and i guess you and dad got your wires crossed or something because he walks in with a couple of pizzas. and you didn't say anything. you just threw the whole meal into some tupper-ware and tossed it in the fridge. i do. you never stood up for yourself. ever. if i was ashamed, it was because of that. what's ridiculous is not being a caterer so your husband can feel like a man knowing his woman's home cooking and ironing his drawers. i'm sorry. that's all you cared about. i must have played in a thousand games and i can only remember you being to two. it mattered, mom. dad. what are you doing here? that tends to happen when you're the boss's daughter. you know. you shoot like a girl. and she gets the steal. monica goes one- on-one against jordan, she stops, pops. you visiting? who's this guy i always see her around? so. how's the knee? strong enough to get you down the aisle? that's okay. i'm probably, you know, busy. it just isn't. you had a rough couple years, that's all. and you tore up your knee. rehab is tough. you're serious. like what? wow. it's a trip, you know? when you're a kid, you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna turn out that way. why do you keep asking me that? something was just missing. it doesn't matter, alright. just leave it alone. what are you talking about? we need to talk. you asked me what was missing. from basketball. it's not fun for me anymore because you're missing. what i'm trying to say is, i've loved you since i was eleven and the shit won't go away. i know, i probably should have said it two weeks ago. then why are you so upset? better late than never, right? i'll play you. one game. one-on-one. your heart. so you're gonna bitch up? i know why you broke up with me in college. and not that what you did wasn't messed up, but what i did was, too. so if you forgive me, i'll forgive you. prove it. you once said the reason i beat you was because you wanted me to. so, if i win it's because deep down you know you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life, and deep down your want me to stop you. if i lose, i'll buy you a wedding present. check. nine, up. point.