that's right, coach. dag, you took her out, t. you got it, c'mon, lift! she hates all freshmen. hey, don't take it personal. and don't think just cause we play the same position we have to compete with each other. we're teammates, okay? besides. i've been starting point the last two years. ain't no way some dumb- ass freshman is taking my spot. that's what you get for trying to show out, freshman. you were trying to make me look bad. girl, don't you know you're just sloppy seconds? only reason you're here is cause tonya randall got pregnant and decided not to come. they were done recruiting. just thought the girl should know. least you got an offer. my agent's still looking. monica. just wanted to say good game. no buts. took a lot of heart to take that charge. but that was a dumb-ass pass to toni. ten seconds left, you run out the clock. just one word of advice for next season. never let a freshman take your spot. well, what do you know. i'm gonna love winning this championship in your house. can you take that damn thing off the table. still a cocky bitch. yeah, four years ago. they had me staying in this tiny-ass town with like fifty people. i'm not playing, there was about a thousand goats running around, and it gets dark at four o'clock. then the whack club i'm on loses three games in a row and i get blamed. so they fire me. yup. so i've been playing with this italian club the last three years. it's better. even though the whole first season my teammates didn't pass to me cause they were mad "the american" was making more money. i led the team in rebounds cause it was the only way i could touch the damn ball. so what are these spanish guys like? what? you've been over here seven months and you ain't tapped anything? shoot, italian boys love them some black women. they can't get enough of me. sometimes. but what's the alternative, not playing? you remember big toni? she quit last year, now she's working at some bookstore. i mean, look at us. they treat us like we're hollywood stars over here. we just played in the championship game. it doesn't get much sweeter than this.