girl, who you trying to fool? see, quincy, this is how your moms caught me, with the old fake and bake. had me thinking i was getting a sister who could burn. boy, what'd i tell you about using that word? why not? that's right. what? oh, and, uh, don't say "shit." just you and quincy, baby. i got a meeting. business folks. nona, don't start bitching. i got maybe two years left to play. i'm just trying to put some things together for us. don't go starting rumors, jim. my son's college bound with or without basketball. gotta wait til the press conference. i'd love for him to get a good education. that's it. i don't care about the team. i care about the school. you played good. i was proud of you. i don't wanna hurt your feelings. anyway, i gotta get to this meeting. tell your mom i'm gonna be late. let's hope i can say the same about you one day. hey, miss baller. i had some players to see and hands to shake. i'm not gonna get anywhere punching a clock just so my wife doesn't get an attitude. yeah. i have. no, you said i should get my degree. i like my "bullshit" job, okay, and it's gonna lead to a spot in the front office. til then, don't worry, there's just enough savings to keep your ass in gucci and gold. keep your voice down. genuine draft. and an orange juice for my kid. didn't need a cross-over to post you up. what people? well, tell them to mind their damn business. you're smart enough to get a degree. you know how much higher the play level is in the nba? give yourself time to develop, quincy. get an education. the nba ain't going nowhere. your mom got pregnant and i had to make choices. you don't have a choice. besides, the sooner you go pro, the sooner you'll have to deal with the mess i'm dealing with. there's this thing out there. this paternity suit. some girl that's been hanging on at every party. now i'm supposed to be her baby's daddy. anyway, i told your mom i wanted to be the one who told you. i just told you. you got the balls to ask me that? no, you need to hear me say it, i'll say it. it's not true. i want this thing to go to court, but my lawyer's telling me to settle. a case like this could hang around for months and i'm up for this player relations job with the "clips." this gets out, false or not, no one'll touch me. we haven't exactly been living the fairy- tale life the past few years. something like this happens, it either brings a family closer or pushes them further apart. we'll just have to see how it plays out. i'm giving her some space, couple days. your door was unlocked. we need to talk. i messed up, okay, i know that. but i ain't that kid's father. look, i ain't saying it was right, but sometimes things happen. boy, you're so perfect you can look down on me? your mom was real quick to show you those pictures, wasn't she? well, she was nineteen when she got pregnant and don't get me wrong, you're the best thing in my life, but she knew i wasn't ready for no marriage. i'm saying i handled my responsibilities like a man. but when you're in the nba, you pull into a city and there's a hundred women waiting at the hotel. and another twenty that made it past security on your floor. and the boldest one is standing right at your door. and after awhile, it just becomes part of the game. i'm sorry i lied to you, i shouldn't have. but i did it cause i love you. what? i know your mad at me, okay, but i can't let you do this. nona. what's that, not great? nona, please. almost didn't recognize you with your hair like that. how you been? hey, son. came by to check on you. don't remember that being my fault. seems like you divorced me same time as your mom. i can see that. i know things look pretty bleak right now, but you can't get down on yourself. no. quincy. i know you left school early to throw your middle finger up at me. you want me to fuck off? fine, i'll fuck off, but not til i say something. i just couldn't