promethius. this is really exiting. bet you don't get many people my age getting braces -- great, great, great, so i'll see you tommorrow morning. i'm gonna be late for work. what the hell? what the hell? this is going to be ok. this is. this is. please. this is so fucked, solomon. i don't deserve this. solomon: i am in the middle of so much. so much in my life and this is -- if you do this, if you fire me: i am fucked. i can't really explain much, but please, please, i've worked here for four years, four years i've given you and i'm, i'm, i mean what? i'm sorry i was late. i had a car accident. i accidentaly drove into a seven-eleven. it was not my fault. i don't have any money, solomon. if you fire me -- i lent my name, my celebrity. exactly -- i paid you back. solomon, please. please. i am so fucked here if you do this. this is the worst timing. the worst timing i could ever imagine. i need to keep working. i have so many debts, so many things, i have, i have, i have -- i have surgery -- i have my oral surgery coming -- oral surgery. corrective teeth surgery. braces. yes. yes i do. i need corrective oral surgery. i need the braces. i can't believe you're gonna do this to me, the situation i'm in, i don't -- avi: you know what? being hit by lighting doesn't matter for getting braces, ok? now solomon, let me just ask you once: please. please. don't do this. i don't know. it's. doesn't matter. i've been a good worker -- i don't know. i've been a good worker, solomon. a hard and loyal -- please don't do this! make it happen, make it happen and go,go,go. yeah, yes, hi, hello. diet coke. i want a shot of tequila too. it doesn't matter. you look like you've got money in your pocket. just throw some money around. money, money, money. do you have love in your heart? is it real love? -- the kind of love that makes you feel that intagible joy. pit of your stomach. like a bucket of acid and nerves running around and making you hurt and happy and all over you're head over heels? i have love. no. i mean, i'm telling you: i'm telling you that i have love. my name is donnie smith and i have lot's of love to give. do you know who i am? what? what does that mean? you talk in rhymes and riddles and ra. rub-adub --- but that doesn't mean anything to me, see. see. see i used to be smart. i'm quiz kid donnie smith. i'm quiz kid donnie smith from the tv -- i'm quiz kid donnie smith. so what? yes. what? i used to be smart but now i'm just stupid. -- samuel johnson. "the" cause of dullness in others -- -- and lemme tell you this: samuel johnson never had his life shit on and taken from him and his money stolen -- who took his life and his money? his parents? his mommy and daddy? make him live this life like this -- "a man of genius" gets shit on as a child and that scars and it hurts and have you ever been hit by lighting? it hurts and it doesn't happen to everyone, it's an electrical charge that finds it's way across the universe and lands in your body and your head -- and as for "ruined but by himself," not if his parents take his friggin' life and his money and tell you to do this and do that and if you don't? well, what -- yes they did. what does that mean, "spoke in the wheel?" yes they do, they do, but i'll make my dreams come true, you see? i will. i used to be smart but now i'm just stupid. "if a brick weighs one pound plus one half brick -- how much does the brick weigh?" "well if subtracting the half of brick from the whole brick you got one half of brick, equals one pound so therefore the brick equals two pounds --" "a little more than kin and less than kind," is hamlet to claudius. "the sins of the father laid upon the children," is merchant of venice but borrowed from exodus 20:5 and "win her with gifts if she respects not words," is two gentleman from verona. where? who? how and why, kids? i'm sick. i'm sick here now. i confuse melancholy and depression sometimes. you see? i'm sick. i'm sick and i'm in love. that's right. that's the first time you're right. i confuse the two i love you. i love you and i'm sick. i'ii talk to you. i'll talk to you tommorrow. i'm getting corrective oral surgery tomorrow. for my teeth. for my teeth and for you. for you so we can speak. you have braces. me too. me too. i'm getting braces, too. for you. for you, dear brad. and i don't have any money. and i don't have any money now but i'ii get it. i will for you, brad. i love you, brad. brad the bartender. you wanna love me back? love me back and i'll be good to you. i'ii be god damn good for you. and i won't be mad if you don't know who said what. i won't punish you if you get the answer wrong. i can teach and tell you: samuel johnson. you mind your own bussines. brad, i know you don't love me now -- -- and you wanna know the common element for the entire group, like he asks. i'll tell you the answer: i'll tell you, 'cause i had that question. i had that same question. carbon. in pencil led, it's in the form of graphite and in coal, it's all mixed up with other impurities and in the diamond it's in hard form. "well. all we were asking was the common element, donnie. but thank you for all that unnecessary knowledge. ahhh, kids! full of useless thoughts, eh?" thank you. thank you. and the book says: "we may be through with the past but the past is not through with us." and no it's not dangerous to do that. you know, you know, you know. go,go,go. hello, dear. i need a favor. what am i doing? what am i doing? what the fuck am i doing? what the fuck am i doing? fuck. my teeff. my teeef. i know that i did a thtupid thing. tho-thtupid. getting brathes. i thought. i thought that he would love me. . getting brathes, for what. for thumthing i didn't even. i don't know where to put things, y'know? i really do hath love to give, i juth don't know where to put it -- ohh-thur-i-thur-thill.