camera dollies in quick on claudia as she snorts a line of coke. she has some music blasting. claudia jumps -- turns her head to the door. she sniffs a bit, yells over the blasting music; camera pushes in on jim kurring then whip to claudia as they talk and he snoops, etc. camera pushes in real quick on claudia snorting coke from her hand in the bedroom -- she rushes back into the kitchen area -- claudia and jim kurring talking. she's rubbing her jaw, blabbing away and he's listening with a grin; claudia hears the radio go off and stands back a bit from her door. hold a moment. then there's a knock. she opens up: claudia snorts a line of coke, comes up and looks at her televison; it's playing, "what do kids know?" camera pushes in on her cocaine on the table, tilts up to her face, watching the show, then whips rt. and pushes in towards the monitor. she sits in front of the coke and in front of the television. camera follows rose as she runs up the stairs to claudia's place and frantically bangs on the door. claudia cries to her mom. rose holds her and they rock back and forth. claudia cries loud and over and over -- CAMERA holds on Claudia. She's sitting up in bed, covers around her, staring into space. a SONG plays. for a very, very long time she doesn't move until she looks up and sees someone enter her bedroom. a FIGURE from the back enters FRAME and walks in and sits on the edge of the bed. from the back it is clear that it's Jim Kurring. She tears a bit and looks at him. HOLD.