camera with phil, phone to his ear, on hold camera on phil, tending to earl, who moans away. the mutt. morphine dog is starting to get a bit wobbly. camera on phil on the phone. he sits watching earl. 30fps. push in. the dogs go crazy barking and phil jumps a bit. they hear the garage door and run towards it. the morphine dog runs into a wall. phil still on the phone, earl is asleep. he stands up and heads for the garage -- hears the sound of the engine running -- dogs are continuing to bark like crazy -- camera leads. follows linda as she enters, approaches phil; linda screaming at phil. linda is bedside with earl. she cries her eyes out. she speaks to him in mumbles about ". sorry" ". my love" ". you've lived a long, good life" she prepares the bottle of liquid morphine and sets it next to the him. hold. camera dollies in on phil, holding back his tears and singing along to the song. as he sits over earl. the dogs go crazy barking. phil walks away from earl and answers the door. frank standing there. phil looks a bit surprised and fumbles a moment. they stand in doorway and speak very quietly; frank and phil stand in the foyer. they're quiet a moment, then: frank and earl. earl opens his eyes a bit. the camera holds on earl and frank. frank has his head buried in earl's bed holding his hand, crying. it's very quiet. frank lifts his head and watches the frogs fall outside the house. earl looks to frank. he musters something. frank notices. camera w. frank and earl and phil. earl's last couple of breaths are short and quick. short and quick. short and quick. and then he dies. his eyes are open.