this is not an easy job. i get a call from shirley on the radio: bad news. it's never good news. she tries to be cheerful, tries to say something nice, but uh-huh, it's just bad news. and it stinks. but this is my job. and i love it. because i want to do well. in this life and in this world i want to do well. and i want to help people. and i may get twenty bad calls a day. but one time i help someone, i make a save? i correct a wrong or right a situation; then i'm a happy cop. and we move through this life we should try and do good. hello? quietly, slow down, whoa -- the door was open, i got a call -- calm down. i got a call to this apartment, report of a disturbance -- i got a call of a disturbance, you're door was open, i just wanna see what's goin' on -- then you've got nothin' to worry about. don't test me, you wanna talk about what the law book says, we can do that, push me far enough and i'll take you to jail -- now calm down. you're not calm. you're screamin' and yellin' and i'm here to check on a disturbance that was reported and that's what i'm gonna do - now are you alone in here? no you don't: but i'm gonna ask you one more time: are you alone in here? no one else in here? ok. that's true. is anyone else, besides me and besides you in this house? are you lyin' to me? maybe so, but i'm gonna ask you one more time: is anyone else in this house right now? ok. what's your name? ok. marice why don't you take a seat for me? i'm not askin', marcie. maybe you didn't, but i'm here to find out about a disturbance. some neighbors called said they heard screaming and a loud crash. and what about screaming? what's this, how did this happen? you just woke up. and what'd you have a party last night, the way this place looks? ok. marcie. starting now i want you to have a new attitude with me. the more you play games, the more suspicious i'm gonna become that you've been up to something. yes i can, marcie. and until you start givin' me some straight answers: i'm gonna assume that some mischief has been goin' on here. bad and illegal behavior. that's what i mean. ok? mischief. now have you been doin' some drugs today? you on any medication? been drinkin' today? --- what was that? no. no. stay down, marcie, sit back down on that couch -- marcie - calm down. calm down and don't do this. i want you to stay -- this is the lapd. if anyone is back here i want you to come out and i want you to show yourself to me with your hands in the air -- this is the lapd, if anyone is in the closet i want you to come out and show yourself to me, slowly and with your hands up -- marcie - quiet down! now if anyone is in the closet, come out now -- -- do not do this -- my gun is drawn and if i have to open that closet you will get shot -- step out now. marcie - do not drag that couch any further! what the hell is this marcie? i think it's more complicated than that little man. you don't just sign up to be a police officer -- it's about three years of training -- ok? sorry, little man. why the hell aren't you in school? they don't have substitute teachers where you go to school? that's confidential information, little man. no can do. ok. listen. you: c'mere. you wanna disrespect an officer of the law? are you a joker? huh? tellin' jokes? oh, you're a rapper, huh? you got a record contract? have you ever been to juvenille hall? hey. watch the mouth. watch it. go. hurry up. let's go. -- watch the mouth, homeboy, i don't need to hear that word -- alright, alright, cut it, coolio. that's enough with the mouth and the language. finish it up without the lip. whatever that meant, i'm sure it's real helpful ice-t. i was listening -- -- and i'm through playin' games. lapd. open the door. it's the lapd, can you open the door, please? yeah. -- you the resident here? you alone in there? no one else in there with you? you mind if i come in, check things? ok. for one thing, we're gonna need to turn that music down so we can talk, ok? you live alone? what's your name? claudia what? ok. claudia wilson: you tryin' to go deaf? did you hear what i said? -- listenin' to that music so loud: you tryin' to damage your ears? well if you keep listenin' to the music that loud you're not only gonna damage your ears but your neighbors ears. and that could be the sign of a damaged ear drum, you understand? you got the tv on too, keep those on at that same time usually? have you been drinkin' today, doin' some drugs? i got a call of a disturbance, screaming and yelling, loud music. has there been some screaming and yelling? was it a boyfriend of yours? you don't have a boyfriend? who was it? you mind if i check things back here? claudia: why don't you let me handle the questions and you handle the answers, ok? you just move in here? bit messy. i'm a bit of a slob myself. you and your boyfriend have a party last night? got some coffee brewing, huh? i like iced coffee, generally, but a day like this, rain and what not, i enjoy a warm cup -- that's great, thank you. oh, it'll be fine, i'm sure, claudia. that'd be fine. so, claudia, lemme just say, so i can get my role of lapd officer out of the way before we enjoy our coffee i'm not gonna write you up or anything, i'm not gonna give you a citation here -- but the real problem we have is that there are people around here, people that work from their homes, people tryin' to get some work done, and if you're listenin' to your music that loud: they're incovenienced by that. if you had a job you'd probably understand, but i see you like listenin' to your music and that's fine, you're just gonna wanna keep it down at a certain volume, maybe memorize what number you see on the dial and just always put it to that -- if it's the middle of the day -- that's what i do -- just put it on two and a half and that's a good listening level, alright? i see you like listenin' to your music loud, but, hey, forget about the neighbors, you end up damaging your own ears ok? arlight, then. cheers. is this boyfriend bothering you? the gentleman who came to the door -- many times, in damestic abuse situations the young lady is afraid to speak, but i have to tell you that, being a police officer, i've seen it happen: young woman afraid to speak, next thing you know, i'm gettin' a call on the radio, i got a 422 -- it's where situations like these lead, claudia, unless you do something about it early, if and when the police call and come for help. now there are certain measures you can take -- i don't wanna have to come back here in an hour and find that there's been another disturbance. but i wouldn't mind comin' back in an hour just to see your pretty face! okey-doke. this is, for not a fresh cup, a great cup of coffee, claudia -- what's that stand for? this is my job. well if you listen' to that music too loud again and that fella returns maybe we'll share another cup of coffee -- no. no. don't joke about that. that's not funny, claudia. please, now. ok, then. keep your chin up and your music down, alright? just jim. bye, bye, claudia. i'm sorry, claudia. no, no. i was wondering. man oh man. i think i feel like a bit of a scum-bucket doing this, considering that i came here as an officer of the law and the situation and all this but i think i'd be a fool if i didn't do something i really want to do which is to ask you on a date. please, yes. no. i don't know. i haven't thought about it -- you know what -- that's not true -- i have thought about it. i've thought about going on a date with you since you opened the door. yeah. no, i'm off tonight. i would lov-like, to go tonight, i can pick you up, i can pick you up here at about what time? what time? what about ten o'clock, is that too late? i don't get off and then -- no, no, just casual maybe, maybe i thought -- there's a spot i like to go, it's real nice that overlooks a golf course and the course is lit up at night -- yeah, you know it? you know billingsley's? oh, see? this is great. ten o'clock. bye. it's not going to stop. it's not going to stop 'till you wise up" well, that's a natural thing, two people go out on a date, something. they want to impress people, the other person. or they're scared maybe what they say will make the other person not like them -- well i don't go out very much. i've never found someone really that i think i would like to go out with. no, no. ok. yeah. let's make a deal. wow. huh". piss and shit" you really use strong language. -- no, no, it's fine. fine. it's fine. nothing. i'm sorry. -- well i'm a real. y'know, straight when it comes to that. curse words i just don't use much -- ok. well. yeah. yeah, of course. -- no, like what, what do you mean? i lost my gun. i lost my gun after i left you today and i'm the laughing stock of a lot of people. i wanted to tell you that. i wanted you to know. and it's on my mind and it makes me look like a fool and i feel like a fool and you asked that we should say things, that we should say what we're thinknig and not lie about things and i'll tell you that, this: that i lost my gun and i'm not a good cop. and i'm looked down at. and i know that. and i'm scared that once you find that out you might not like me. i'm sorry -- i haven't been on a date since i was married and that was three years ago. and claudia. whatever you wanna tell me, whatever you think might scare me, won't. and i will listen. i will be a good listener to you if that's what you want. and you know, you know. i won't judge you. i can do that sometimes, i know, but i won't. i can. listen to you and you shouldn't be scared of scaring me off or anything that you might think i'll think or on and on and just say it and i'll listen to you. it's ok. it's ok. i'll take everything at face value. i'll be a good listener to you. say what you want and you'll see -- yes i do. what? i won't say, no, wait, claudia -- please, what is it, please -- you're ok. you're gonna be ok. these security systems can be a real joke. i mean, a frog falls from the sky and lands on the x-4 box 'round back and opens all the doors? triggers a siutation? you don't know who could be driving by at any moment, walk in and rob the place -- i was you i'd talk to your boss about a new security system -- you guys make alotta money, huh? i got a buddy a mine down at the med. center, he'd probably do quite a deal on a set of dentures, you're interested in that. he's in training, you know he's not a dentist yet, but he's real good at corrective oral surgery from what i understand. alot of people think this is just a job that you go to. take a lunch hour, the jobs over, something like that. but. it's a 24 hour deal. no two ways about it. and what most people don't see: just how hard it is to do the right thing. people think if i make a judgment call that it's a judgment on them. but that's not what i do and that's not what should be done. i have to take everything and play it as it lays. sometimes people need a little help. sometimes people need to be forgiven and sometimes they need to go to jail. and that's a very tricky thing on my part. making that call. the law is the law and heck if i'm gonna break it. but you can forgive someone? well, that's the tough part. what do we forgive? tough part of the job. tough part of walking down the street.