back again, again, again! i'm jimmy gator and believe it or not we are at the end of week seven, going towards eight for these three incredible kids -- -- who hello-hello, are just two days and two games from the "what do kids now?" record for the longest winning streak in this shows thirty three year history -- we're endorsed by the pta and the north american teacher's foundation and we are try and do our best to hold standards high -- that's why we're the longest running quiz show in television history -- and let me say: with these three kids right here, i wouldn't be surprised if we've got a while to go, but today is a dangerous day -- -- for i have met the three adult challengers backstage and they are quite a challenge for our youngsters -- so let's get this game off and away, eh? let's jump right in, quick re-cap for those who don't know: round one. three categories. steals are ok, escelating point scale from 25 to 250 so let's go categories! we have, "authors" "the dee blue" and "chaos vs. superstring" adults won a coin toss backstage and they'll have first choice: todd. first question for 25. this female author's most famous work "o! pioneers" -- end of round one! excellent work ladies and germs, let's see the scores on the boards: kids up a leg with 2025, adults down a bit with 1200. we'll be back for round two and a ring-dang-do -- hello! musical bonus question before we go to break and the lucky team is -- kids in the lead and they get a chance to pull further and farther ahead -- with the following secret bonus musical question: i will read you a line from an opera and you are to give me the same line in the language in which the opera was originaly written and for a bonus 25 you can sing it. here's the line: "love is a rebellious bird that nobody can tame, and it's all in vain to call it, if it chooses to refuse." i have cancer, mary. i have about two months, i have no time. it's in my bones and i don't have a chance. and i'm fucked. i had a stroke last week -- kids! are you guys glued to those seats or what? are you ever leaving? you're getting close to the record, do you get more nervous as we go along? -- kids at school must be real excited for you, eh? stanley the man! how are you? you're fast becoming a celebrity. how are you handling it all? sure, sure. that's fine, then. there. with. well you've got. many. things, many things happening and on the way. that is not right! that's not right, stanley, the answer is. ravel. ravel. . xhjksndlsmnop. what a day and what a round, going back and in for me and the final speed round to determine who's who today -- scores on the board's kids: 9225. adults: 11,000. and this game is not out of reach for the kids. can they hang in there and break the record? elders! who's the lucky so and so? "you're sure there's a cure and you have finally found it"