well, you're his doctor and that's why -- well tell me something -- tell me something -- i love you, my darling. i'll be back in a while, phil. i have to go get some things and i have to see something and i'll be back. i'm here and i need to see him. -- he's fucking dying, he's dying as we're sitting here and there isn't a fucking thing -- jesus, how can you tell me to calm down? i just, i just -- i just -- i'm just in a fucking state, i know he's going and it's like i don't know how -- just tell me practical things -- what the fuck do i do with his body? what happens when he dies? that next moment: what? what do i do? then what? he has phil right now. yeah. -- you don't understand: it's more pain than before and the fucking morphine pills aren't working, he's -- past two days it's like he can't really swallow them and i don't know if they're going down -- i can't see inside his mouth anymore -- i'm up all night staring at him and i don't think the pills are going down and he moans and he hurts -- i'm listening. i'm getting better. i need to sit down. -- how the fuck can i say anything to that -- i don't know what to say to that -- i hate doing this, coming here and not being able to talk -- i don't know what's gonna happen, i really don't -- i'm so fucking, i feel so over the top with everything. thank you doctor diane -- hi. mmmhmm. i don't. you motherfucker. you motherfucker. you fucking asshole, who the fuck are you? who the fuck do you think you are? i come in here - you don't know, and fuck you too. don't you call me "lady." i come in with these things, i give it over to you, you doubt, you make your phone calls, check on me, look suspicious, ask questions, "i'm sick." i have sickness all around me and you fucking ask me my life? what's wrong? have you seen death in your bed in your house? and where is your fucking decency? that i'm asked questions "what's wrong?" you suck my dick, that's what's wrong and you, you fucking call me "lady." you shame on you. i'm linda partridge to see alan kligman. no. i just. i'm so fucked up here alan, i don't know. there's so much. so many things -- if i talk to you. y'know. if i tell you things. then you're a lawyer, right? you can't say things, you can't tell anyone, it's like the privelage, right? attornery-client, you understand? like a shrink, like if i go to see a shrink, i'm protected, i can say things -- fuck -- i don't know what i'm doing -- -- i have something to tell you. i have to tell you something. i want to change his will, can i change his will?. i need to --- no, no. no, you see. i never loved him. i never loved him, earl. when i started, when i met him, i met him and i fucked him and i married him because i wanted his money, do you understand? i'm telling you this now. this i've never told anyone. i didn't love him. and now. i know i'm in that will, i know, i was there with him, we were all there together when we made that fucking thing and all the money i'ii get -- i don't want it -- because i love him so much now. i've fallen in love with him now, for real, as he's dying, and i look at him and he's about to go, alan, he's dead. he's moments. i took care of him through this, alan. and what now then? i don't want him to die, i didn't love him when we met, and i've done so many bad things to him that he doesn't know, things i want to confess to him, but now i do: i love him. i love him so much and i can't stand -- he's going. this is not any fucking medication talking, this isn't -- i don't know. i don't know -- can you give me nothing? you have power of attorney, can you see him, can you, in this final fucking moment, go see him and make sure --- change the fucking will -- i don't want any money, i couldn't live with myself, this thing i've done -- i've fucking done so many bad things -- i fucked around. i fucked around on him, i fucking cheated on him, alan. you're his lawyer, our laywer, there, i'm his wife, we are married. i broke the conract of marriage, i fucking cheated on him, many times over, i sucked other men's cocks and fuck - fuck - fuck - . fuck. other things i've done. i can't. where will the money go? what does that mean? -- that can't happen. earl doesn't want him to have the money, the things. this is so over-the-top and fucked-up i can hardly stand it. shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up. now you must really shut the fuck up, please. shut the fuck up. i have to go. shut the fuck up. what are you doing? hang up the phone. put the fuckin' phone down, hang it up. you don't do that, you don't call him, you don't know to get involved in the bussiness of his, of his of my family. this is the family, me and him do you understand? you understand? no one else. there is no one else. that man, his son does not exist. he is dead. he is dead and who told you to do that? bullshit. bullshit he didn't ask you, he doesn't want him, he doesn't want to talk to him, so fuck you that listen. listen to me now, phil: i'm sorry, sorry i slapped your face. . because i don't know what i'm doing. . i don't know how to do this, y'know? you understand? y'know? i. i'm. i do things and i fuck up and i fucked up. forgive me, ok? can you just. tell him i'm sorry, ok, yes, you do that, now, i'm sorry, tell him, for all the things i've done. i fucked up and i'm sorry. and i'm gonna turn away and walk now and not look at him not see my man, my earl, i'll leave now. and tell him it's ok and i'm ok. the whole thing was ok with me -- and i know. ". prepare a list of what you need before you sign away the deed, 'cause it's not going to stop"