how's today then? fuckin' bullshit is right, in'it? i'ii take care of anything, earl. hi, linda. you do? where is he? no. i'm trying. she went out. she said she went out to run some errands. she'll be back. she loves you. when was the last time you talked to your son? -- memory? yeah. i've seen it before. there's no asshole like you. how come every word you say is either "cocksucker," or "shitballs," or "fuck?" go fuck myself? i'll get you another pain pill. another morphine pill -- who are you gonna call? who? is jack your son? you wanna call him on the phone? we can call him, i can dial the phone if you can remember the number -- it's ok. frank mackey. that's your son? hi. is frank there? i'm looking for frank mackey. is this 509-9027? alright. thank you. hi. i'd like to get an order for delivery. yeah. i'd like to get an order of. um. peanut butter. cigarettes. camel lights. water. um, no, y'know what? forget the water, just give me a loaf of bread. white bread. and um. do you have swank magazine? ok. one of those. do you have ram rod? the magazine, ram rod? ok. one of those. and. um. barely legal? do you have that? that's it. yes. what? yes. thank you. hi. got it. hi, hello, great. this is seduce and destroy? well i don't want to order anything, you see. i have a situation, a situation just come up that's really pretty serious and i'm not sure who i should talk to or what i should do but could you maybe put me in touch with the right person if i explain myself? well can you connect me to someone else? well, ok. lemme see how i explain this without it seeming kinda crazy, but here go: i'm, my name is phil parma and i work for a man named earl partridge -- mr. earl partidge. i'm his nurse. he's a very sick man. he's a dying man and he's sick and he's asked me to help him, to help him find his son -- hello? are you there, hello? ok. see: frank tj macky is earl partridge's son. i know -- and i can't really explain that, but i have a feeling there's something, some situation between them, like they don't really know each other much or well, something like they don't talk much anymore -- does this sound weird? there's no number for frank in any of earl's stuff and he's pretty out of it -- i mean, like i said, he's dying, y'know. dying of cancer. brain and lung. it's rough. i'm sorry, did she make it? oh that's good. it's a helluva disease. i know this all seems silly. i know that maybe i sound ridiculous, like maybe this is the scene of the movie where the guy is trying to get ahold of the long-lost son, but this is that scene. y'know? i think they have those scenes in movies because they're true, because they really happen. and you gotta believe me: this is really happening. i mean, i can give you my phone number and you can call me back if you wanna check with whoever you can check this with, but don't leave me hanging on this -- please -- please. see: see: see this is the scene of the movie where you help me out -- yeah, hey. chad. thank you, chad, and good luck to you and your mother -- hi, hi, thank you for taking my call -- yeah i'm here. no i haven't. linda -- i've got frank. frank earl's son. he's. he asked me to get him and i did -- no, linda, you don't understan -- earl asked me, linda, please, linda, i'm sorry -- earl asked me -- it's alright. no. no. graduation? twelve. what? say it again. walking in the car? i got it. it's ok. i'm gonna stay. stay it out. "it's not going to stop. it's not going to stop" hello. frank. frank tj mackey. yeah. i was trying to get in touch with you. we got dissconnected. yes. i didn't know how to find you. earl asked me, so i looked through the adress books and there was no number, nothing -- she's not here, she went out. i'm sorry. this is all just so, i don't know what, what to do -- your dad asked me to try and track you down. to get you and i did, i called the number -- do you wanna come in? these dogs'll calm down -- you just have to come in -- he's in here. ok. for six months. i'm the day nurse. he's. i'm sorry. so sorry. i've seen this before, you know and you don't. he's going very fast. frank. um. i just. he was. but i gave him, i just had to give him a small dose of liquid morphine. he hasn't been able to swallow the morphine pills so we now, i just had to go to the liquid morphine. for the pain, you understand? um. soon tonight. i think, yes? tommorrow. i mean. very soon. very. about three weeks ago. i work as a nurse, for a proffesion -- i'm really sorry. yeah. i've heard your tapes on the phone. when they put me on hold, to talk to you. they play the tapes. i mean: i'd seen the commercials and heard about you, but i'd never heard the tapes . it's interesting. ok. yeah. i don't think, he can't. there are frogs falling from the sky.