how you doing? slowly or quickly? come home soon after the show. -- did she talk to you? did you tell her? i love you. bye. it'll take the pain away. we just do it. we do it and we figure it out and we do as we do, i guess. you're my handsome man. no. no. you feel like you want to be forgiven for your sins? honey, you're not on your death bed, yet. this kinda talk's gonna get you in trouble -- no. i don't hate you. do you want talk. do you really want to talk to me and say things and get things figured out, jimmy? the question isn't wether or not you cheated on me, the question is how many times have you cheated on me? yeah. how many times. it's ok. just say. just say. i don't hate you, jimmy. but i have a couple questions that i wanna ask. was there anyone that i know? who? hey. no one else that i know? how long with ellen? how long with paula? what about now? is it over 'cause you're sick? do you have any children with anyone? well maybe. do you feel better now that you've said this? i'm not mad. i am, but i'm not. y'know? i'm not through asking my questions. why doesn't claudia talk to you, jimmy? i think that you know. say it, jimmy. i'm asking you. i'm asking you if you know why clauida will not speak to you. please, jimmy. tell me. did you ever touch her? jimmy, did you touch her? jimmy. but you can't say. yes you do. you do and you won't say. you deserve to die alone for what you've done. yes you do. no. you should know better. honey, honey, claudia. it's me.