don't donnie. don't do it. don't get strong, donnie. this is making sense, this making a lot of sense. you are not doing the job, the job i ask you to do, a job i give you. over and over and over and i'm sorry. but i'm not gonna say i'm sorry that much more. avi, please, shut the fuck up for one second. don, how much further do you want me to go in showing you, showing you what i've done for you in four years and what you've done back? do you want me to do it? i can. the loans i've given, how much your sales are, how late you are, over and over, loosing the keys to the covina store -- -- i give you money, i give you a paycheck. your sales suck, don. i give, i give. when i find you, when i meet you, what? i put you on the billboard, i put you in the store, my salesman, my fucking representation of solomon and solomon electronic, quiz kid donnie smith from the game show -- fuck you. i pay you, i paid you. i give you a fucking chance and a chance and over and over, over you let me down. i trust you with so much. the keys to my store, the codes to my locks, the life, the blood of my bussiness and return is smashing in seven-eleven, late, always late, loans -- i loaned you money for your kitchen that you never did -- two years! two years later and out of your paycheck, i never charge interest -- what is that? braces? you don't need braces. your teeth are fine. and how much is braces? you're pissing me off, don. this is so unbelievable -- so fucking stupid, you're gonna spend five thousand dollars on braces you don't need -- don't do this, don. where are you getting the money for this? you were gonna ask me weren't you? give me your keys, don.