you say you know nothing about it. you say this, yet you offer no proof. how am i supposed to believe you? you do see that i'm busy, do you not? tell them to come in. i'll have to call you back. i love you too, mother. will you take those goddamn hats off? this is good. this is very good. you two are on this as of now. tell the lapd their investigation has been federalized on my order. you find me this appleton. i want to see what this one has to say. thank you mr. chairman, and thank you mr. appleton, for appearing today. mr. appleton, you mention that your home is hollywood, california. but isn't it true that for the last several months, you've made your home in a town called lawson, california? mr. appleton, do you know an "albert lucas trumbo?" is that because you were masquerading as luke trumbo while you were in lawson? yes, i see that private trumbo was reported missing in action and is presumed dead. i also see that you were posted stateside during the war. fort dix? well, i'm sure we're all glad to see you came through it all right. now, i see that you've been running a movie theater in lawson called "the bijou," is that also true? anyone who reads the newspaper is quite familiar with your. "accident," mr. appleton. an accident which, conveniently, came hard upon your dismissal from united pictures. tell us, this "accident" of yours, are we given to understand that it affected your memory? and what is the state of your memory now? we. appreciate. your little note of levity, mr. appleton, but this is a very serious matter, and it merits your fullest attention. that state of your memory now, mr. appleton? i'm interested in knowing if you remember things you did in your past, or if they've been conveniently "blotted out" as a result of your "accident." good. good. now, i hold in my hand a photostatic copy of the attendance roster for the "bread instead of bullets club" of the university of california, los angeles, dated october 11, 1935. a copy of this paper is before you, mr. appleton. do you recognize it? referring to line thirty-seven of the document, does your printed name and signature appear there? mr. appleton, please tell this committee what was the nature and purpose of the "bread instead of bullets club?" start with what you knew then. we see it. for the record, it reads "lucille angstrom." what's the point of this? are you asking this committee to believe that you attended a meeting of a communist party front organization in order to impress a girl? all right, mr. appleton. that was what you knew then. what do you know now? mr. chairman, the witness is being non-responsive. mr. appleton. are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party? are you refuting this evidence and your previous testimony? yet you're contradicting yourself. you earlier testified that you attended a meeting of a communist party-run organization, yet you just said, under oath, that you were not now -- nor ever -- a member of the communist party. well, then, as what did you go? mr. chairman! mr. chairman, the witness is making another speech. i would ask that mr. appleton be admonished. mr. chairman. mr. chairman! mr. chairman!