the committee and the chamber will come to order. the agenda for this morning's special session of the house committee on un-american activities shows a number of witnesses, and i'd like to admonish those that are here to view the testimony of our first witness to keep order at all times, or this chamber will be closed. i'm referring especially to the ladies and gentlemen of the press. i hope that's clear. call peter appleton. the witness will please stand and raise his right hand. do you swear that the testimony you are about to give before this committee of the united states house of representatives will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god? be seated and state your full name and place of residence for the record. the chair notes that you are appearing without the benefit of counsel today, mr. appleton. we certainly hope this means that you intend to be fully forthcoming with this committee? now, we're informed that you have a statement you'd like to read, is that correct? yes. a prepared statement. very well then, the questions will be asked by the majority counsel, mr. clyde. chamber will come to order. mr. appleton, you will respond to the questions of this committee without elaboration or speechmaking, or the chair will find you in contempt of congress. you will not be warned again, is that clear? continue, mr. clyde. the witness need not be hesitant to say anything before this committee, as long as it's the truth. mr. appleton, you are making light of a legally constituted committee of the united states congress. believe you me, you do not want to incur our wrath. mr. appleton, there is no question before you at this time, but i'm sure mr. clyde has plenty more prepared, and if you'd like to either answer them or plead the fifth amendment, we can at least get on with the business of this committee. well then, mr. appleton, just what is your intention? go ahead, mr. appleton. mr. appleton? mr. appleton? go ahead, son. mr. appleton, you will. the witness will resume his seat! did you hear me?! you are not excused, mr. appleton!