harry! hold on a second! well, i'll be. by god, luke, if it isn't good to see you again. well, i'll be. would i ever! luke, i know there's a question that's on everybody's mind. well, now that you're back, what're your plans? that's a lot of work, son. place's been closed, what, three, four years now. gonna be tough. hey, where's spencer wyatt? well, come on out here so's we can see you. spence, that band of yours -- you think they're ready to play? spencer and his pals went ahead and got together a good ol' big band. well, how about tomorrow night, eight p.m., in city hall square? what i'm proposin' is a "welcome home luke" celebration. pretty proud of your boy, avery? looks like you might have to find someone else to mix paint at the store, 'cause i think spencer's got a big career ahead of him. you know folks, here in lawson, we gave a lot for our country. a lot. and we never complained and we never faltered. and we never forgot. we never forgot. and so when one of our own came back to us, i gotta tell you folks, it was like a miracle. luke, seein' you walking down the street, it was. well, it was kinda like seein' one of my boys alive again. i think i speak for everyone here when i say that not a day goes by when we don't keep our boys' memories alive. but luke, having you back among us. well, it helps us keep their spirits alive, too. god bless you, son. all right, enough a'that. this is a celebration, so let's have us a good time -- but not too good a time, 'cause i see just about every member of the city council here tonight, and we have an eight a.m. council meeting tomorrow morning, and i expect y'all to be there! all right, take it away, spencer! thanks, vera. well, the chair notes the presence this morning of luke and harry trumbo and the rest of the bijou staff. frankly, the chair notes the presence of just about anyone who ever finds their way into one of these meetings. g'moring, folks. i'm just guessing, but i bet it's not a sudden interest in lawson politics that brings you all here. i think we can make an exception here, daley. all right, motion to hear the speaker out of order. motion on the floor, discussion open, discussion closed, all those in favor signify by saying "aye." opposed? hearing no opposition, the motion is carried. go ahead, son. motion on the floor, discussion open, discussion closed, all those in favor signify by saying "aye." hearing no opposition, the motion is carried! congratulations, luke, you got yourself a town to help you out! you know, this really ought to be out where people can see it.