luke, you probably don't remember me, roscoe fitts, i'm the grocer here in town. like ernie said, we're all glad to have you back. and i hear you and harry are planning on re-opening the bijou. i can only imagine. you know, i spoke with your dad last year about maybe taking the bijou off his hands. i don't think he gave it very much thought. luke, i'm hopping you can help him see the reality of the situation. i'll come to the point. i want to buy the property, and i'm prepared to offer six-thousand dollars for it. and that's just for the property, mind you. if you want, i'll leave it to you and your father to dismantle and liquidate the building for whatever salvage value it has, and you keep those proceeds. i just want the land. the days of the storefront grocery are numbered. i plan on putting up a free-standing supermarket. you think it over. no reason to risk financial ruin for the sake of a crumbling old building. good to have you back, luke. so. you do intend to fix the place up after all?