the ocean of two hundred or so seats on the main floor seem to be, for the most part, intact -- although the occasional row seems to have loosed itself from its moorings and heaved itself up against the row behind or in front. luke, harry and mrs. terwilliger walk down the aisle toward the screen. old time lags a few steps behind. at the orchestra pit, harry climbs the steps, crosses the pit. the screen is a sea of repair patches. harry pats it. dust flies. harry trots down the aisle and looks up at the screen. old tim and harry carry a dilapidated row of seats up the aisle, as adele and mabel move in, tearing up the rotten carpeting and sweeping up the dust and debris. harry is on a ladder, attaching the final spring stretcher to a corner of the muslin. it snaps into place, and voila -- new screen! luke, adele, doc lardner, and sheriff eldridge, standing below, applaud enthusiastically.