'mornin' harry. fine day, isn't it? plenty to do today? after you. mornin' mabel, stan. hello, son. how'd that happen? you'd better come with me, son. on my tab? uh-huh. he looks familiar. open your mouth. say "ah." any idea how you got here, son? been drinkin' a bit, have we? well, you've been wet to the skin. you must've fallen in. lucky you got out, that water's got quite a pull, and it empties straight into the ocean. here, one of mine. do you remember if you were driving a car? maybe you went over the bridge. no guard rail there, it's easy to do. it's happened before. and you don't know your name or who you are, that right? it's okay, son. we just need to call you something. that's all. what is it? well, at least you remember "moby dick." stanton found him by the wash. not hurt too bad, but he took a nasty bump on the head and he can't remember who he is. we both think he looks familiar, but we can't place him. you bet. he'll be here. that's me and my daughter adele. my pride and joy. charms the fish right out of the lake, she does. thanks. well, sheriff's on his way over, and maybe we can get to the bottom of who you are. sorry 'bout that, but you do look familiar to me. no identification at all. what're you thinkin', cecil? by all means. are you saying that he's. mother o'god. that's where you live. tomorrow afternoon. . oh my god. get plenty of rest, luke. you took a pretty big wallop there. good to have you back. delly? in here. how'd it go? that's my girl! did you? i always told you, baby. . it's all up here. well, it's. drink slowly. from the other side of the glass. that always used to work. well. he doesn't remember anything, delly. doesn't know how he got here, doesn't remember his father, the town, the bijou, anyone. i'm afraid not. he looked right at your picture without batting an eye. but it's probably temporary. he got all the way to lawson, so he clearly knew who he was and what he was doing until he hit his head. i'm sure it'll all come back to him. it just takes a catalyst. it's possible. honey, i. i can't. it's the. oh, hell. evening, luke. uh, no. just seeing you standing there, it reminded me. there's a word for it. that's it. deja vu. you kids off to the dance? no, i'm not much of a dancer. i had it, a minute ago. ooooh, it's back. well, you kids have fun now. aw, crap. it's a pretty massive heart attack. his lungs have filled with fluid, and, well. it seems as though his body is just. shutting down. even if we could, and the move didn't kill him, there'd be very little we could do there that we can't do here. i'm sorry. this television's a grand little invention, isn't it?