peter, their hands are tied. you see that, don't you? are you saying it's a mistake, that you didn't go to any meetings? they say you did. congress, the fbi, red channels, it don't matter who the hell "they" is. "they" know who "they" are, that's all that matters. now, did you go to any meetings? so, you're saying that it's true. you went to a meeting of a known communist organization. you should watch what you say. kid, that cuts no ice with them. they know you were at that meeting, peter. they've been told, and they know. fought? come on, pete, you ran the px at fort dix. i know. a purple heart. you broke your arm. you were coming out of a bar. you were drunk. you can't testify. don't take this personally, kid. if it were up to me, i'd have you testify wearing your uniform and your medal, wrapped in a flag with one hand on your heart and the other hand on a bible. what can i say? i like you. they don't want you to testify because you're not a big enough fish for them. they just don't want you writing pictures for now. that's all. peter, i believe in you. more to the point, i read your new script. um. that's the one, "ashes to ashes." i think it's great. but it'll never get made with this communist business hanging over your head. you can't work until you're cleared -- and believe me, starting right now, i'm gonna do everything i can to make that happen. don't say that. there is no such thing as a blacklist. now, are you gonna play ball? kid, this is the united states government we're talkin' about. fair ain't the point. you smell gas? jesus. wouldn't blame him if he was. what's his rent? here's three months rent, and a ten spot for no more questions and to keep an eye on his place. now, i need a moment alone. take a hike. am-scray. police department. i want to report a missing person. the fbi can't arrest you, because you haven't done anything wrong. however. you're gonna be subpoenaed to testify before the un-american activities committee when they open hearings in los angeles. now, if you play ball and tell them what they want to hear, they'll clear you. exactly. kid, don't get philosophical with me. this is a game, but it's not your game. you play by their rules, or they'll ruin you. and they have the power to do it. darling, don't kid yourself. we don't have a "democracy" in this country. the declaration of independence? the constitution? these are pieces of paper with signatures on 'em. and you know what a piece of paper with a signature is? it's a contract. and you know what a contract is? something that can be re-negotiated at any time. it just so happens that the house un-american activities committee is re- negotiating the contract this time around. next time, it might be the fbi. the time after that, it might be the president. but it'll always be someone. count on it. lest we forget, peter, your own military career was somewhat less illustrious than luke's. peter, don't let that stop you all of a sudden. here. when you're called, read this to them. just tell the bastards what they want to hear, and we can all get on with our lives. spins him around, and pushes him through the crowd toward the curb. come on, kid. that was quite a show you gave them today. we shoulda sold tickets. no, of course not, why should you be sorry? you're the new peter appleton. you exercised your rights as a solid citizen, first amendment, freedom of speech, all that. very noble. cigarette? when'd you quit smoking? oh, i see. but you're not luke. you're peter appleton, the picture writer. why not? not at all. what, you're going to go back to that hick town and run the projector and marry the doctor's daughter? peter, i'm an agent. i buy lunches and get deals made for guys like you. that's what i do. you're a writer. you write pictures. that's what you do. and trust me, you'll be back doing it again tomorrow morning. kid, you gave them what they wanted. this committee, it feeds on names. the more names, the better. but for some high-profile witnesses, like yourself, any name will do. what, all of a sudden, "lucille angstrom" isn't a name? well, that's not what they think. you should keep track of your old school chums. turns out she eventually joined the communist party. on top of which, she's lucy angstrom hirschfeld now, and she happens to be a writer for "studio one" on cbs. so, our lawyers had a talk with the committee's lawyers. that elvin clyde fella won't be too happy about it, but we cut a deal. they cleared you -- and they're gonna thank you publicly for your testimony purging yourself. climb down off your cross. they already knew about her. she was subpoenaed six months ago! who the hell do you think named you? all of which means. "ashes to ashes" is gonna be made, and you've got your job back. congratulations, kid. peter! your hat! i was lookin' out for you all the time, kid. you did good. i'm real proud of you. okay, let's go. get some rest, kid!