actually, my grandpap. but "ancestors" sounds better, don't it? here. you look familiar, fella. what's your name? 'course they all know me. and i know all them. town's got my name, don't it? ernie cole here just got himself elected mayor. lost both his boys in the war. kenny at anzio and willie at normandy. mabel over there at the diner lost her husband max. okinawa, i believe. all told, this little town gave sixty-two of its finest to the war. seventeen of 'em at normandy alone. more'n its share, i should say. got us a letter from president truman. city council commissioned a war memorial. been sittin' in the basement of city hall these six years. town never had the heart to put it up. place just hasn't been the same since the war. you hungry, son? got any money? six bits. more'n enough to buy some breakfast. c'mon. down by the wash. he don't remember who he is, mabel. gonna take him to the doc, as soon as he gets in. he don't know. and he don't know his name, neither. found him down by the wash. he was passed out cold. maggie woke 'im. said as much myself, doc. can't place him, though. to look at him, you'd think the cheese slid off his cracker. well, morning's half-over. i'm off. don't mention it. whoever-you-are. that true?