bats. they are sick. no hit curve ball. straight ball, hit it very much. curve ball, bats are afraid. i ask jo-buu to come. take fear from bats. i offer him cigars and gin. he will come. is very bad to steal jo-buu's gin. is very bad. have to wake up bats. gin and cigarettes not enough for jo- buu. i still can no hit curva ball for sheet. i hafta make a sacrifice to him. si. i kill unborn children. "polishing" his bats with black shoe polish and a brush. so if you're looking for some big league clout, apply for the little green home run hitter. hitting a prodigious home run onto the roof. where's my chicken? but it no alive. striking out on a curve ball. striking out on a curve ball, trying to check his swing. umpire emphatically punches him out. i pissed off now, jo-buu. i good to you, i stand up for you. if you no help me now, i say fuck you, jo-buu. i do it myself.