hey, what do we have here? guy looks like a fuckin' toilet brush. hey, t.b., i love your pony tail. and the earring's cute too. where's the matching bracelet? i took one of these in the eye last year. nearly lost my sight. what! that's little league shit. lou, i wanna have a word with you here. those penalty sit-ups you want me to do? i got it right here in my contract that i don't have to do any calisthenics i don't feel are necessary. what do ya think of that? doing sit-ups in the infield. vaughn walks by and smiles. what's the matter, little lady? can't you take a joke? where are we? kansas city, right? gotta be arlene don't have to. she knows when i'm in town. what'd i tell ya. hi, doll. this is steve harris. they cut him to make room for bristle boy over there. yeh. what are you talkin' about? he couldn't find the plate if it was magnetized. he won't last the year. wait a minute, you're with me. since when do i have to make a date? who's been showin' you this town the last three years? taking this all in from across the room. taylor comes up next to him. speak for yourself, taylor. i got a couple good years left. hey, jake, old boy, what brings you out here? sure, go ahead. forget it. it's not workin' again. naw, i'm not into song of hiawatha. yeh, that sounds pretty good. that's a detective story, right? even me? what's that? taking off his shirt in the locker room. his chest is a mass of welts and bruises. taking a hot smash off his chest. he picks it up and guns the runner down. hey, taylor, there's a coupla drop- dead annies outside. one of 'em says she used to know you pretty good. brunette, great rack. yeh. what doya say we chat 'em up? c'mon, you're not gonna keep moonin' over that library chick, are you? forget her, she's gone. bye bye, honey, wish me luck. you know where vaughn is? let me know if you do. i wanna have a little talk with him. stepping into the batter's box. the crowd is practically sitting on its hands now. hope draining away. let's cut through the crap. i only got one thing to say to you. just rear back and strike this motherfucker out.