say hey, willie mays hayes here. i play like mays and run like hayes. thanks. well, i gotta get my stuff. say hey! how ya doin'? willie mays hayes here. what the hell league you been playin' in? never heard of it. how'd you wind up playin' there? shit, i been cut already? looking through the chain-link fence surrounding the field. hey, my philosophy is no pain, no pain. my stroke'll come back once i get warmed up. hey, no problem. shit. what do ya mean? jo-buu? no, i'm goin' cold turkey today. my hands are too screwed up to hold it anyway. what if we're one of the deceased? c'mon, vaughn, let's show some nuts here. if they cut us, we'll just sign with the yankees. really got all of that one. i don't know. what language is this? they got patty melts over there? does she know it? i don't know. he's not wearing a name tag. what does she do? what is this place? going through his warmup routine at the plate. i plan to get at least a double out of it. bought a hundred of these, one for each base i plan to steal. excuse me, here, i gotta take my first step toward the hall of fame. what's with this? we never leave from this terminal. which one is ours? call the stewardess, vaughn. i need one of those bags. i wonder if there's any pilots. "moby dick?" what is that? lynn put you on to this? well, we're goin' to a club tonight. you wanna come along? what, you got a test or somethin'? why don't you just go over and see her? maybe she'll let you slide on a couple of these. easy. tail her home from the library. yeh. why the hell are we havin' practice during the all-star break? can i borrow one of those, man? they don't have any magazines on this bus. macbeth. this a good one? i'll trade you song of hiawatha for the deerslayer. all right then, how about crime and punishment? yeh. in other words, phelps thinks we're all dinks. that we don't belong in the big leagues. coming out of an elevator in the turk, with a wheelbarrow full of dirt. we pan him down the hall, where we see a dirt sliding area he's been building up. leading off a makeshift base in the hall of the turk. as vaughn tosses a ball up in the air, hayes takes off down the hall toward another base on the dirt sliding area. stealing home, as the opposing pitcher tries frantically to hurry his windup. hayes slides across safely, hooking to the infield side. he jumps up and punches the air with his fist. nailing up the pair of black gloves he used to steal home above his bed. sliding across home plate in his tuxedo and stopping in frame. he holds up an american express card in a black-gloved hand. the american express card. don't steal home without it. nailing up another pair of gloves above his head. there are a lot of them up there now. hey, not bad for a has-been and a never-will-be. we got a problem. cerrano wants some extra power for tonight. he's lookin' to sacrifice a live chicken. we can't have people pukin' in the locker room before the game. robbing a yankee of a home run by making a leaping catch over the fence. popping up and flinging his bat away in frustration. we take cuts of the worried fans, chewing fingernails, wadding up programs, hanging their heads, etc. we should've gotten him a live chicken. walking up to the plate. streaking for home, trying to score all the way from second on a bunt.