malcolm it's going to explode because black people are dissatisfied. they're dissatisfied now not only with the white man, but with these negroes who have been sitting around here posing as leaders and spokesmen for black people. anytime you put too many sparks around a powder keg, the thing is going to explode and if the thing that explodes is still inside the house, then the house will be destroyed. so the honorable elijah muhammad is telling the white man get this powder keg out of your house, let the black people in this country separate from him while there's still time. and if the black man is allowed to separate and go on onto some land of his own, where he can solve his problems, then there won't be any explosion. complete malcolm is sitting holding both of the children. sister lucille who is pregnant with 3rd child waddles across the room to sit down on the sofa with him. she picks up one of the kids from him. malcolm dials the phone.