sit down. we ain't fixing to eat you. you look brand new in town. pretty handy with a bottle. what they call you? you better not be. cause if a cat toe you down in this town, you better stand up or make tracks. that's a fact. what you do, boy? bet you like that shit. when they want your ass, won't nothing keep you out. heard where? sombitch and i ain't never been to beantown. how 'bout that? is your papa west indian? i like you, country. yeah, got to do something about you. you can't. i'll get a hold of you. don't never write nothing down. file it up here, like i do. 'cause if they can't find no paper they ain't got no proof. ya dig? boy, look me in the face. why? i got me a little run to make. i like your heart and i like your style. you might just do, little. lessen you got to git back to that train job. when? come on, baby. we going shopping. just the middle button, baby. just the middle one. frisk me, baby. give me a real pat down. it's yours, baby. put it on. okay, baby. now you outfitted. you ready to tackle the street? i told you less paper, less trouble. i keep all my numbers in my head. i've never written any down. it hit? ain't nuthin' in the world to give you that real deep cool. like girl. you there? bet you are. sometimes you got a big ugly mouth. i'll take your goddam bet. don't do that. what you talking? you din't have no 1, 2, 8. you never had it. shit, what else she gonna say? i ain't drinking hot piss with you. come on, sam. you're a damn liar. you know it. i don't want your money. there's two guns on you. that's what it is. walk on out. now. the dirty yellow rat bastard. what you say? git the hell away, you bitch, i'll pay you tomorrow. my man, red. come on in, man. hey, i can't make it. that really you, red? i wasn't gonna shoot you, baby. it was just my rep, that's all. and don't shit me now, but did you have that number? tell me. yeah. i got a couple a new angles ain't been figured yet. all i need's a stake and a chance-- no, man, i'm doing okay. thanks. yeah.