he ought to try to make it a little easier, brother bembry. the sister wonders if the brother knows what harriet tubman did between taking souls to the promised land? she ate. if you want to tell me. shall i tell my sisters that we oppose marriage? i think you've made your points, brother malcolm. that you haven't time for either marriage or eating-- if you'll start eating, there is a question i have. go ahead. start. i see your point. could we sit down someplace? you've been on your feet for days. and didn't even finish your salad. what? how do you like it? there's nothing to talk about. oh? purely scientific interest i'm sure. i can handle it. you have enough worries of your own. why do you ask? if it's just idle, i won't answer it. there's a few things you don't know about women, brother malcolm. they're possessive and vain. and dogged when i set my mind to something. being a good muslim, a good nurse and a good wife. it's sidney. hello. yes. i know. yes. yes i did. did you hear my answer? yes. did you eat? just hold me. hush your mouth. you're with me even when you're away. the simplest thing in the world: i want to have a lot of babies with you. dear heart, i love you. because you're in trouble. dear heart, because i know you. i'm not made of glass. we've never had a fight. not a real one. but we're going to have one right now if you don't talk about it. the talk is everywhere! we'll get to that, too, but this isn't just talk any more. "both women, in their 20's, charged they had had intimacies with elijah muhammad since 1957" to bembry? is bembry your friend? no, what's the matter with you? wake up! are you so dedicated that you have blinded yourself? are you so committed you cannot face the truth? bembry is the editor of the newspaper you established. ask him why your name hasn't been in "muhammad speaks" in over a year? ask him why you rate front page in every paper in the country, but not a single sentence in your own. do you know what bembry is doing? you're so blind, everyone can see this but you!!! a long time ago. you've repaid them many times over. ask them why they have new cars and houses full of new furniture. what do we have, malcolm. a broken-down jalopy and the clothes on our backs. we don't even own our own home. what about our children? what about me? you don't even own life insurance. will they? are you sure? are you sure or are you blind? we need you too! open your eyes, you can face death 24 hours a day; but the possibility of betrayal never enters your mind. if you won't do that for yourself do it for us. c'mon girls, it's bedtime. get some sleep. shhh! dear heart, i love you. stop calling us. leave us alone. leave us alone. i'll kill you. i'll kill you. malcolm, they keep calling, threatening us. i'm going crazy, when is this going to stop? dear heart, where are you? i just put them to bed. can we come to the meeting tomorrow? say thank you. somebody call an ambulance. somebody call an ambulance.