i thought you said it was gonna sting. this ain't nothin'. well, all reet, then. come on, baby, let's show 'em how. shorty, this is laura. now you come back. fine as may wine. make it too easy and it ain't no fun. i better not come in. i mean it's late, baby. i'm going to bed. i gotta work tomorrow, need my rest. 'night, mrs. johnson. sheeet, you ain't. i had aplenty. shhhh! i don't like women that talk. don't you know, you can't hump the bogart. naw, you missed me, copper. try this on for size. the hell you are. you're too small to be bogart. ahhh! you got me, you dirty, filthy, rotten, stinking copper, only a low-down yellow rat bastard would shoot a man in the back. c'mere. you hear me, girl? you better believe it. what's your story, baby? feed me. yeah, girl; that's your story. when you gonna holler "rape," sister? you will, baby -- if the time come. sure wish your mama and papa could see you now. and that ofay you gonna marry. all them books you read and you still don't know nuthin. let's go. save it, baby. save it for mr. right, 'cause your grandma's smarter than ya think. yeah, she's alive. you know how dumb i was? i used to think that "not for sale" was a brand name. but why, mr. ostrowski? i get the best grades. i'm the class president. i want to be a lawyer. c'mon, joe. on my way, mr. charlie. get your good haaaam and cheeeeese sandwiches. i got coffee, i got cake and i got ice cream too. right chere. yes, sir. best in the house. yes, sir. i aims to please. the word is excuse me. don't ever again in life step on my florsheims again, and never talk-bout my mother. gimme a whiskey. i ordered a single, jack. who is he, man? whut's he do? he had it coming. red, and i ain't no punk. i'm working trains. selling. keeps me out of the army. not this boy. i ain't fighting their war. i got my own. right chere. heard tell you're a good man to know. where i come from. boston. man's rep travels. my papa taught me one thing: don't never bullshit a west indian bullshit artist. no, my mama. she's from grenada. where can i get a hold of you? lemme write it down for you. yes, sir. yes, sir. 'cause i want in. and it don't take a lot to know you there, daddy. can i run with you, mr. archie? i done told the man what he could do with his train. just now. what? solid, daddy. let 'em come. i'm ready. i'm working on it. nnnnnnn! i'm there, daddy. wheww. i'm cool enough to kill. you got any money. well, bitch you move too slow. yeah, and i'm putting my money where my ugly mouth is. i'm putting you back in the numbers right now. baby, what's today? daddy, put me down for a combination. combinate me, daddy: 8, 2, 1. you got me? 8, 1, 2; 1, 8, i say a lot of things. do your job, get me a bourbon on the rocks and a pack of lucky's. mind your own goddamn business . she comes in a lot? with him? is she hooking? shut up, bitch. daddy, where's my money? you owe me six big ones. 1, 2, 8 hit, didn't it? was you that high? old man, i threw the slats at you. i said to combinate me. the bitch was there. then skip it, man. but you slipping, baby. you done slipped. oh, sit down, man. what you tasting? i'm buying. got to be a first time, daddy-o. ain't gonna be this mother. it's me or you, ain't it, pops? i'll give you back the 600. i'm wearing, archie. and every cat's watching, ain't they? it's a toe-down. let billie finish. baby, i got to let this old man win. keep the faith, and tell billie i'll see her later. yeah and get a slave, too, huh, baby? man, the name musicians ain't got shit. how you gonna have something? i need a stake, a bundle, a grand. my woman can't afford it; my homey ain't got it. how about you baby? what you got? jesus ain't got nothin' to do with this. surprise you, baby? well, that's the way it is. what kind of scratch you got on you? turn out. let me have it. all of you-- we gone rob this town blind. anybody want out say so. who's rudy? what can you do? that ain't bad. so what about him? might be all right. you want to be the head man? head nigger in charge? okay, baby. let's flip for it. flip this. your flip, baby. your turn, rudy. you want me to flip for you? don't never try to cross someone who ain't afraid to die. all right. we'll start with old talcum powder. you draw the house, where everything is. you and peg go out and buy them tools like i told you. we hit tonight on account of in the daytime some of us got that high visibility. ya dig? yeah. i forgot it. i'm malcolm little, not no goddam number. preacher, take your tin jesus and the virgin mary, both, and shove 'em. who the hell are you? man, what do you want? man, get outa my face. i ain't nobody's punk. if you ain't trying to punk me, what's your hype? talk, daddy, i'm listening. hey that ain't bad. you got some more? what did you give it to me for then? what in the hell are you talking about? you ain't lying. man, you been locked up too long, everybody conks. all the cats. cause i don't want to walk around with my head all nappy, looking like-- i ain't said i'm ashamed. leggo. i got to wash it out. man, you better get off me. man, i don't want to hear all that. who are you? elijah who? me too. i ain't never seen a cat like you. ain't you scared talking like that in front of an ofay? you the only cat don't come on with that "whatcha know, daddy" jive; and you don't cuss none. tell you this: you ain't no fool. okay, okay. what do you do with your time? that's what mama used to say. come on, daddy, pull my coat. what happens if you give all that up? you get sick or somethin'? i pulled a hustle once and got out of the draft. what? everybody knows god is white. what for? what the hell for, man? okay, okay. show me, man. i can't make out that shit. hey, they's some shit, all right. that's bullshit. that's a white man's book. ain't all these white man's books? then what you telling me to study in them for? man, how'm i gonna know the ones worth looking at? man, i'm studying in the man's book. i don't dig half the words. where am i gonna start? aardvark, noun. an earth pig; an ant-eating african mammal. man, that sounds like the dozens. i'm staying. take 'em. i don't smoke no more. ole pete ain't much in the head, but he can lay in there with the wood. you pitch, baby; i'll ketch. this a helluva game. somethin's going on. what? how bout that? a black man playing big league ball is something. little. i'm not malcolm little and i'm not satan. then the devil is white. i sure met some. i will not touch the white man's poison: his drugs, his liquor, his carrion, his women. i will do it. i can't. i want to, bembry, but i can't. i can't. i want to, bembry, but i can't. i don't know what to say to allah. yeah. when i was picking a lock to rob somebody's house. i don't know how. i want to. god knows i want to. allah akbar: all praise to him who is all-seeing, all-understanding. yes it is, chaplain gill. but i wouldn't want to say which one of us is what. you've been talking about the disciples. what color were they? they were hebrew, weren't they? as jesus was. jesus was also a hebrew. what color were the original hebrews? then we don't know that god was white. but we do know that the people of that region of asia minor, from the tigris-euphrates valley to the mediterranean, are dark-skinned people. i've studied drawings and photographs and seen newsreels. i have never seen a native of that area who was not black. i'm not saying anything, preacher. i'm proving to you that god is black. how many you turning out? make it 1000. we got a lot of fishing to do. we can always use another good brother. you think you are christians, and yet you see your so-called white christian brother hanging black christians on trees. you say that white man loves you and yet he has done every evil act against you. he has everything while he is living and tells you to be a good slave and when you die you will have more than he has in beulah's land. we so-called negroes are in pitiful shape. get off your knees praying to a picture of a white, pale blond, and blue-eyed jesus. come out of the sky. build heaven on earth. islam is the black man's true religion. and that the white man is the devil. yes, god is black and you are made in his image and don't know it. that's how brainwashed you are. come to our temple and hear the truth. because, brother and sister, you are dead. yes you are, mentally dead, spiritually dead, morally dead. and we are here to resurrect the black man back from the dead. we're not american, we're africans who happen to be in america. we were kidnapped and brought here against our will from africa. we didn't land on plymouth rock, brothers and sister. plymouth rock landed on us. put an end to your begging. no more "please, mr. white man, lawdy boss, brush me another crumb from off your table, kindly, sir." we are a nation, a great nation and don't need a thing from them. it isn't a hype, shorty. and i meant what i said: join us. the honorable elijah muhammad says you should pay it all your mind. if you got a mind. i've been clean for twelve years, shorty. how's the rest of the gang? you seen anyone? hello, archie. take it easy, baby. you saved my life, archie. running me out of harlem. when i think how close we came to gunning each other down, i have to thank allah. i don't know. it doesn't matter. the thing is we got to get you back on your feet. can you use a few bucks? i ain't got much, but-- take it easy. lay down and don't think about it. you could of been something, archie, but the devil got to you. --and what has the white devil made of them: dead souls. oh, my he has no conscience. he should fall on his knees and say, "my kind commits history's greatest crime against your kind every day of your life." but does he? no. he scorns you, splits your head with his nightstick and calls you nigger. if you've had it, then stand up and come forward. if not us, then who? if not now, then when? brother bembry, can we fix it so our loudspeaker is heard on the street? what? sure i'll speak to your class. but i'm a hard man on women. you want to know why? if you want to tell me. women talk too much. to tell a woman not to talk is like telling jesse james not to carry a gun or a hen not to cackle. and samson, the strongest man that ever lived, was destroyed by the woman who slept in his arms. what points? let me explain. no. i'll do better than that. i'll show it to you. scientifically. but it's demonstration purely in the interest of science, you understand? notice especially the claw, the jaw and the skull formation. this is the rat. this the mole. here you have the aardvark and the boar. so it is not a matter of the breeding conditions or preparation of the meat. the meat itself is foul. i'm sorry. i've had you on your feet for hours. that's something i haven't done in fifteen years. sat down with a pretty girl and had an ice cream soda. delicious. 0h, yes, there is. i know a lot about you. brother bembry briefed me. you're from detroit, near where i come from. you majored in education at tuskegee. you're studying nursing and having trouble with your family. they want you to quit the muslims or they won't pay your tuition, isn't that it? no, good sisters are rare. we need every one. tell me something: how tall are you? just an idle question. how old are you, betty? are you? what have you set your mind to? i'm from muslim temple 7. where is he? i'm minister malcolm x. two witnesses saw him brought in. he was not brought out. take a look out that window. i intend to see brother johnson. brothers of brother johnson. until i'm satisfied brother johnson is receiving proper medical attention, no one will move. only a pig could do a thing like that. don't you call me boy, you pig. letting a man bleed like that. i'm not satisfied. they're all disciplined men. they're doing nothing except waiting. that's your headache, captain. and if he dies, i pity you. thank you, doctor. you bastards. i want to also, but until we are instructed by the messenger to do so, we will just wait and pray. that's enough, brother earl. sit down, son. do you know what it means to be a true muslim? i admire your enthusiasm but you should never join any organization without first checking it out thoroughly. let me do it then. allah akbar. i'm in detroit. at a gas station. will you marry me? did you hear what i said? i think so. can you catch a plane? i love you. it won't be easy. it will be rough. i'll be away a lot. what do you think? i must emphasize at the outstart, that the honorable elijah muhammad is not a politician, so i'm not here this afternoon as a republican, nor a democrat, not as a mason nor an elk, not as a christian nor a jew, not as a catholic nor a protestant, not as a baptist nor a methodist, not even as an american. for if i was an american the problem that confronts our people today would not exist. so i stand here as what i was when i was born: a black man! what kind of black people does the honorable elijah muhammad speak for? black people who are jobless. the black masses who are poor, hungry, and angry, the black masses who are dissatisfied with the slums and ghettos in which we have been forced to live. the black masses who are tired of listening to the promises of white politicians to correct the miserable living conditions that exist in our community. the black masses that are sick of the inhuman acts of bestial brutality practiced by these semi-savage white policemen that patrol our community, like the occupation forces of a conquering enemy army. the black masses who are fed up with the anemic, uncle tom leadership set up by the white man to act as a spokesman for our people and to keep us satisfied and pacified with nothing! if the black man cannot go back to his own people and his own land, elijah muhammad is asking that a part of the united states be separated and given to the muslims so they can live separately. yes sir. as you know, during slavery time, the slavemasters named most of the so-called negroes in america after themselves. mr. elijah muhammad teaches us once you come into the knowledge of islam, you replace your slave name with an x. since we've been disconnected, cut off from our eastern culture for so long that we don't know the names we originally had, we will use x until we get back to the east. please, go ahead. for the white man to ask the black man if he hates him is just like the rapist asking the raped, or the wolf asking the sheep, "do you hate me!" the white man is in no moral position to accuse anyone of hate. i'll talk about "progress" in a minute, but let me finish with my brother. you left one phrase out. another educated kneegrew said to me and i quote: "brother malcolm oversimplifies the dynamic interstices of the negro subculture." would you agree? well, i have this to say. do you know what a negro with a b.a., an m.a. and a ph.d. is called -- by the white man? i'll tell you. he's called a nigger. don't you want to hear about the field nigger? thank you. now the negro in the field caught hell all day long. he was beaten by the master; he lived in a shack, wore castoff clothes and hated his master. if the house caught fire, he'd pray for a wind. if the master got sick, he'd pray that he'd die. and if you said to him, "let's go, let's separate", he'd yell, "yeah, man, any place is better than this." you've got a lot of field negroes in america today. i'm one. --there's another one. the majority of black americans today are field negroes. they don't talk about our progress, about our government, our navy, our astronauts. hell, they won't even let you near the plant. brother man, put that bottle down, take that poison away from your lips. that's what the devil wants you to do, stay high, out of your natural mind. i know, i've been there. it's time you received your x. but first you must copy this letter, exactly as i give it to you; down to the dotted "i's," crossed "t's," everything. and you must go on a fast, just water and juices, that's it. brother benjamin, do not rush, it has to be exact. when you live in a poor neighborhood, you're living in an area where you have poor schools. you are now benjamin 2x. come, sit with us. we are now sitting with brother benjamin 2x. let's get this man some food. nothing! my high school was the black ghetto of roxbury. my college was the streets of harlem, and i took my masters in prison. if you look out the window-- mr. muhammad is trying to get us on god's side, so god will be on our side to help us fight our battles. when negroes stop getting drunk, stop being addicted to drugs, stop fornicating and committing adultery. when we get off the welfare, then we'll be men. earn what you need for your family, then your family respects you. they'll be proud to say "that's my father." she's proud to say "that's my husband" father means you're taking care of those children. just 'cause you made them that don't mean you're a father. anybody can make a baby, but anybody can't take care of them. anyone can go and get a woman but anybody can't take care of a woman. this is the type of teaching that the honorable elijah muhammad teaches us so we can build the moral fiber of our people. i can see the gentlemen of the press, also the fbi and cia. are with us. get it straight 'cuz if i said, "mary had a little lamb," they'd write malcolm x lampoons poor mary. we have built temples in boston, in detroit, in atlanta, philadelphia, washington -- 100 temples in fifty states. from a handful we have grown to scores of thousands. thank you, brother; sister, how are you? sure, man. what? say what you're saying. long day. long night. long year. long ten years. how do you know? i don't want to bring my troubles home. you know that. i just want to sit here and be still. talk about what? there's always talk, always been talk, and always will be talk. don't they say how i'm trying to take over the nation, how i'm getting rich off the nation? there are always slanders, always lies. you're reading the devil's lies. can't you see they're trying to bring us down, bring down the messenger. i was going to talk to bembry about it tonight. woman, have you lost your mind? what's the matter with you? i'm not interested in personal publicity. our people know what i'm doing. bembry saved my life. the honorable elijah muhammad saved my life. is that what this is about? material wealth? the nation will provide for you and the children if anything happens to me. what do you want me to do? our people need me. what do you want me to do? sister evelyn, believe in allah. he told you that? are you sure? allah will provide. "i'm telling you god's words, not to hustle." we tell the world we're moral leaders because we follow the personal example of the honorable elijah muhammad. it's hard to make a rooster stop crowing once the sun has risen. the sun is up. and what do i say of this so-called national mourning! i say. the white man's acts are condemned, not only by our beliefs but by his own. both his bible and the holy koran say: "as you sow, so shall you reap." both say: "sow the wind, reap the whirl wind." assassination might be too good a word, and might i add an arabic word at that. this was a prime example of the devil's chickens coming home to roost. being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad. it always made me glad. yes, sir, i did. i agree with you, sir. i submit 100 percent. how long has this been going on? what mission? what does sidney say? no. you'll be marked for death. i won't let myself come between you and your father. go home. and don't come back. because 1964 threatens to be a very explosive year on the racial front, and because i myself intend to be very active in every phase of the american negro struggle for human rights, i have called this press conference, this morning in order to clarify my own position in the struggle -- especially in regards to politics and nonviolence. in the past i thought the thoughts, spoke the words of the honorable elijah muhammad, that day is over. from now on i speak my own words, and think my own thoughts. internal differences within the nation of islam forced me out of it. i did not leave of my own free will. but now that it has happened, i intend to make the most of it. now that i have more independence of action, i intend to use a more flexible approach toward working with others to get a solution to this problem. i do not pretend to be a divine man, but i do believe in divine guidance, divine power, and in the fulfillment of divine prophecy. i am not educated, nor am i an expert in any particular field, but i am sincere, and my sincerity is my credentials. i'm not out to fight other negro leaders or organizations. we must find a common solution, to a common problem. i am going to organize and head a new mosque in new york city, known as the muslim mosque, inc. this gives us a religious base, and the spiritual force necessary to rid our people of the vices that destroy the moral fiber of our community. our political philosophy will be black nationalism. our economic and social philosophy will be black nationalism. the muslim mosque, inc. will remain wide open for ideas and financial aid from all quarters. whites can help us, but they can't join us. there can be no black-white unity until there is first some black unity. let's begin. as i recall, i pointed out that while i was in mecca making the pilgrimage, i spoke about the brotherhood that existed at all levels among all people, all colors who had accepted the religion of islam. i pointed out that what it had done, islam, for those people despite their complexion differences, that it would probably do america well to study the religion of islam and perhaps it could drive some of the racism from this society. muslims look upon themselves as human beings, as part of the human family and therefore look upon all other segments of the human family as part of that same family. today my friends are black, brown, red, yellow and white. oh yes. certainly, we will work with any groups, organizations or leaders in any way, as long as it's genuinely designed to get results. no, not particularly. but i do think that you will and black people in america, as they strive to throw off the shackles of mental colonialism, will also probably reflect an effort to throw off the shackles of cultural colonialism. and then they'll begin to reflect desires of their own with standards of their own. i don't see why that should be controversial. i think that if white people found themselves victim of the same kind of brutality that black people in this country face, and they saw that the government was either unwilling or unable to protect them, that the intelligence on the part of the whites would make them get some rifles and protect themselves. has the white man changed since i went away? have you put up your guns? the day you stop being violent against my people will be the day i tell folks to put away their guns. you have to sleep for three. i'm sorry. i haven't been the best husband or father. families shouldn't be separated. i'll never make another long trip without you and the kids. we'll all be together. we had the best organization that black people ever had and niggers ruined it. walk out the back, dear. hurry. there's nothing to be afraid of. it might be a little cold. hang on. we'll be fine. call the fire department. and the fire hit the window and it woke up my second oldest baby, but the fire burned on the outside of the house. it could have fallen on six-, four-, or two-year-old girls. and i'm going to tell you, if it had done it, i'd've taken my rifle and gone after anybody in sight. it was bombed by the black muslim movement upon the orders of elijah muhammad. i can imagine. i did it myself. for the publicity. i don't care about myself, my wife and four children were sleeping in their beds, they have nothing to do with this. let sincere white individuals find other white people who feel as they do and teach non-violence to those whites who think and act so racist. let's all pray without ceasing. may allah bless you. brother earl. i'm gonna try and get some work done tonight. no, that won't be necessary. i'll be all right. i don't want folks to be searched, it makes people uncomfortable. if i can't be safe among my own kind, where can i be? allah will protect me. betty it's me. it's me. don't answer the phone. it's all right. it's all right. nothing is gonna happen to anybody. at the hilton. the girls asleep? i don't think that's such a good idea. ma'am, i'm fine. may allah bless you. is the program ready? why not? you've had ample time, you and the sister. folks are sitting out there _today_, not next week, expecting to hear our program. has the reverend called? is he going to show? so now we have no opening speaker? why wasn't i informed last night? since when do you start telling sister betty my business? since when? she has nothing to do with this. you tell me, not her, not anybody else. what did i tell you about assuming? benjamin, you better go out there and explain why the program isn't ready today. sister, please go with the brother. the way i feel, i ought not to go out there today. in fact, i'm going to ease some of this tension by telling the black man not to fight himself -- that's all a part of the white man's big maneuver, to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, against each other. i'm not fighting anyone, that's not what we're here for. is my family here yet? you'll have to forgive me for raising my voice to you. i wonder if anybody understands. make it plain. brothers and sisters, wa-salaam alaikum. hold it, brothers. don't get excited. let's cool it--