where's homeboy? i know what i'm doing. don't fight me, man. let me git it out. well, homeboy, you almost there. turn around. well, all right, then. hey, man, gimme some skin. that's a fine chick. except she live on the hill and got a grandma. eat lead, coppers. bang, bang. you're dead. i forgot to tell you i'm wearing a bulletproof vest. i'm tired of always playing the cops. i wanna be bogart sometimes. i'm not too short to be cagney. he use to be a big shot. man, i'm glad we got you out of there. with west indian archie on your ass, your name on the wire -- boston the best goddam place in the world for you -- things are too hot and it's not even summer. yeah. cool it and lay dead for a while, homeboy. and don't worry none. you got to eat somethin', red. i ain't doing bad. jesus, red, she's just a kid. yeah, rudy. rudy does catering. rich joints on beacon hill. tell him about baldy. christ, red, no-- you the man! what did you do, homey, palm it? jesus christ, homey, you are nuts. look like homey got himself a brand new hype. i got to hand it to you, homey. that's the best preacher hype i ever did hear. come on, baby. i don't pay that shit no mind. baby, i love you. take it easy, greasy. how about a snort? you is something, homeboy. my trouble is -- i ain't had enough stuff yet, i ain't et all the ribs i want and i sure ain't had enough white tail yet. well, sammy's dead. yeah, fell over in the bed with a chick twenty years younger than him. had twenty-five grand in his pocket. i ain't seen archie, but the vine tells it he's living somewhere's in the bronx. if you can call it living.