with nice maids! finish those vegetables, bradley. when we get home. sometime in the near future. you're going to be in big trouble!! that's ridiculous! b-rad, you're a wonderful son. it's just that, well -- what can we do, doctor? oh no, not gangsta-phrenia! cut to: bradley, i know you're busy, but we need to talk. brad lifts his sunglasses and turns to his mother. after our therapy session i realized that your father and i could have been better parents. we neglected you and i feel terrible. yes. so from here on out i'm going to be a better mother. i want to get closer to you. be there for you. if ever you need -- just then, her cell phone rings. she pulls it out from her hip and answers. hello? celeste! when did you get back?! what?! oh my god! i've been waiting for that bag for six months! it's my personal shopper. stay right there. i'm on my way! she stands. so. where we. oh yes. i'm always here for you, bradley. do you have my cell number? she hands brad a piece of paper and exits. brad pulls down his shades and takes a long sip from his forty. aaaaaa. aaaaaa. i love it. boo-ya! she smiles revealing a gold tooth with a diamond in it. you get that from tiffany?