i called the times and the chronicle, they're gonna play the whole thing off as a joke. brad might act 'ghetto,' but let's face it, he's never been east of beverly hills. it'll be perfectly safe. we're still dead in the urban demo, though. what? where are you going with this? right, right, i'm liking it. we've had such a problem with bill's rich guy image, we could spin the issue to make him more 'everymen,' you know, 'crime touches everyone,' like that. helps with his leadership profile. i've got the image -- bill weeping over brad's open casket. bill gluckman's war on crime. war's hot now. it's like a green light to sacramento. oooooo. just so you know, i never liked the way you ran things around here. bill? mr. gluckman? the other staffers follow brett out, leaving tom alone. cut to: