hey, girl. where you been? she turns and faces tec, her ex-boyfriend, a no-nonsense roughneck gangbanger. he's very soft-spoken, almost expressionless. y'all been busy, huh? you been gettin' busy? come on, girl, i'm cool. just tell me who it is. you know, you ain't shit, shondra. you're just a chickenhead, and that's all you'll ever be. just then, brad walks up, grinning like a fool. don't tell me you been hittin' that? she tries to pull away, but tec holds on tight. it's cool, shondra. the brutha's right. tec releases shondra's arm and immediately grabs brad by the throat and hangs him over the balcony. didn't yo mama teach you to mind you own bizness? y'all both gonna be sorry. tec stalks off. excuse me? yeah, snuffy, that's right. a'ight, y'all, let's roll. bag me a white boy. as they move toward the exit we. cut to: get out of the car, white boy. just this cap, fool! you ready to die? move! tape up this fool's hole, man. a crew member yanks out some duct tape and tapes over brad's mouth, then they throw him in tec's trunk and slam it shut. tec steps up to sean and pj. what should we do with this bloodbath and his friends? is shondra hittin' the white boy? scam? gluckman? the dude runnin' for governor. the dawg who's down with bitches and hoes? hell yeah, i've heard of him. just 'cause i live down here you think i'm ignorant? a'ight then. damn, we got gluckman's son. fool's gotta be worth more alive than dead. let's roll. cut to: listen, fool. gluckman's boy has been kidnapped for real, along with your punk friends. if mr. governor wants to see his punk bitch son alive again i'm gonna need five hundred grand by tomorrow midnight. you think your actors are this good? tec puts the phone up to sean. good. now get me my money. you got ten minutes. tec hangs up. we wait. behind, no one notices as a low rider cruises by slowly. what up? say what? that's it, then, fool. i ain't playin'. his ass is done. that's cold. lose the tape. tec's homie rips the tape off brad's mouth. your daddy ain't payin'. what? it's brought. brotha straight-up crazy, and i cannot deal with that shit. suddenly gunfire erupts as tech's car is hit with a barrage of bullets. brad, the crew, sean and pj drop to the street and roll under the car. tec has to dive behind a nearby dumpster. lay down some cover, fool! tec's pinned down behind the dumpster. he's without a weapon, and rollin' g's are focusing their fire on him. that was ill! y'all definitely got juice. he offers his fist to brad. they pound. where'd you learn that shit? that's yours, b. welcome to the 9's. only way out now, is in a box. who's the hell's poppin' ca -- what up, cuz? shondra stands quickly, scared. what's goin' on, shondra? don't you lie to me. that was always my line to you, and it always was what it looked like. now what's up with your boyfriend here. i do mind. tec grabs brad and drags him out. you done forgot already, fool? i told you the only one way out of the i-9s, and your 'e' ticket's in this here chamber. tec cocks his gun. no problem, then. i'll just do the both of you. tec levels the barrel at shondra and brad. he starts to squeeze the trigger when suddenly bill's hummer crashes through the wall. i-9's scatter and duck as the hummer's front grill skids to a stop inches from tec. the driver's door pops open and bill jumps out. damn fool! you just hit my house! we know who you are, fool. tsss. dude think we ignorant just 'cause we live down here. you better recognize. hmmm. i guess i never looked at it like that before. what do you say, 'brothers'? the i-9's smile, cock their weapons, aim them, and just as they're about to start blasting, the side wall explodes and hadji's dad's mercedes crashes through. don't anybody know where the driveway's at?! damn! gangsters fall back as hadji, mocha, and monster jump out wearing the kevlar vests and wielding their weapons. would y'all get a hold of your fool selves?! it's time to waste these punks! the i-9s straighten up and re-aim their guns. whatchya got to say? stop, please! if i hear you drop one more rhyme, i'ma hafta smoke myself. ruuuuuuunnnnn! everyone runs for the nearest hole in the wall. i know my rights, man, and these fools drove two damn cars into my house, then they blew the shit up! this all better be rebuilt before my ma comes back, or she will make you wish you were never born. close on a female tv reporter speaking to camera. what up, neighbor? pan to bill, in his hummer, leaving his driveway. he waves grumpily as we. flash to: i think that was the bitches' name, yeah. they continue to marvel at each other's decorative accessories.